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It was nighttime, and the streets were quiet as Allen made his way home from school. The cool night air nipped at his skin, the distant hum of streetlights barely breaking the eerie silence. His footsteps echoed against the pavement, almost too loud in the stillness. As he walked, his eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar alleyway up ahead.

He froze.

The dimly lit alley, cloaked in shadow, stirred memories in his mind—flashbacks of the first time he met him. The vampire with long, flowing hair, eyes that seemed to burn with a strange, dangerous allure, and a smile that had both intrigued and unsettled Allen. He remembered the way Tyki had moved, with a grace that didn't belong to anything human, and how Allen, against his better judgment, had felt an undeniable admiration for the creature.

No, he thought, shaking his head to banish the memories. I shouldn't be thinking about him.

"I should just take the long way," he muttered under his breath, tearing his gaze away from the alley. For a moment, he stood there, staring into the dark passage, his heart racing with unease. Then, with a determined step, he continued on, choosing the safer route.

The night felt oppressive, the air thicker than usual, as if the darkness itself was watching him. Allen could feel it in his bones—something wasn't right. The further he walked, the stronger the sense of dread grew, though he tried to ignore it.

As he neared his apartment building, a chill ran through him. The street seemed even quieter now, too quiet. His skin prickled with unease, and a sudden, inexplicable feeling washed over him, tightening his chest.

"What..." he whispered, his eyes widening.

Without thinking, he broke into a sprint, his feet pounding against the ground as he reached his apartment door. He slammed into it, panting, his mind racing. He had locked it before leaving—he was sure of it. Yet, as his hand hovered over the knob, something felt wrong.

Shivers crawled down his spine, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end. Someone's inside.

His breath hitched as he tried to shake the thought away. No, it's just my imagination, he told himself. I'm just paranoid because of everything that's happened lately.

With a deep breath, he forced himself to turn the key, pushing the door open and stepping inside. As he turned his back to close it, he let out a shaky sigh, trying to calm his nerves.

But then he froze.

A voice, smooth and dripping with amusement, cut through the stillness like a knife.

"What a cosy home you have~"

Allen's blood ran cold. He spun around, eyes wide, and there, lounging casually on his sofa, was Tyki. The vampire's dark hair cascaded over the back of the couch, his golden eyes gleaming mischievously as he watched Allen with that same unsettling smile.

"Did you miss me, boy?" Tyki's voice was soft, almost teasing, but the danger beneath it was unmistakable.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Allen screamed, startled by the sudden realization of who had been sitting on his sofa.

But before another sound could escape him, Tyki was in front of him in the blink of an eye, his hand firmly covering Allen's mouth. "Shut up," Tyki growled, his voice low and full of irritation.

Their eyes locked, an electric tension crackling in the air between them. Allen's wide, silver eyes—bright yet filled with confusion and defiance—stared back into Tyki's calm, calculating gaze. His eyes, usually warm and full of life, now held an edge, like a storm gathering strength. Tyki couldn't help but notice the strange star-shaped scar on Allen's left eye, something he had seen before, but... hadn't it disappeared earlier that morning?

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