Chapter Three: Day Out

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Raven stood there in shock, she had no clue what to say to him.

"Or would you rather call me Beast Boy?" He asked timidly.

Raven closed her eyes. This can't be real... she thought. I mean, Beast Boy is dead...

"I know you probably don't believe me, but please... I need your help... I'll explain what happened to me in that fight two years ago if you just believe me..."

She still had no clue what to say, instead, she gave out a slight laugh.

"Ha....Nice try... but you have to do better than that to make me believe you... and even if you could make me believe that you are Beast Boy... I still wouldn't believe you... because of the fact that the real Beast Boy died two years ago in battle."

Raven tried to walk away but Garfield grabbed her arm.

"I'm telling you now that I am the real Beast Boy... I can tell you anything you want to hear... "

Raven stared at him, "Look. I'm sure you're a nice guy... I can heal up your wounds and then I'll just be on my way."

Garfield sighed. "Fine... but at least promise me that you will meet me later."

She glared at him, then nodded her head for her answer.

He grabbed her hands and put them on his swollen face. Her magic took its effect immediately. After a couple of minutes, his wounds were gone. She began to walk away from him until she quickly turned around.

"How are you going to contact me when you don't know what hotel I'm staying in?"

Garfield smiled at her. "I'll find you!... I will always find you..." he whispered the last part.

Raven smiled back at him and began to walk back to her friends. A few minutes later, Garfield walked the opposite direction. He was pretty happy that he got to see the one person he truly loved right now.


As Raven walked closer to the club, she saw red and blue flashing lights. With fear, she ran the rest of the way there. Raven sighed in relief that none of her other friends got hurt. While Raven was sighing, she felt someone grab her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Friend Raven, I am the glad that you are alright!" Starfire cried out.

The boys followed behind Star and gave Raven hugs.

"Man Rae, don't scare us like that..." Cyborg said trying not to break into tears.

"We are all just glad that you're safe." Robin said to her.

"Um... guys... would you get off me now... " Raven croaked out of their group hug.

Like a dog, they quickly obeyed. Silence hit the Titans for a while.

"So... ah....Raven, if you don't mind me asking but where did you go?"

"I... ah... um... ran out as soon as I can and I came across an alleyway and hid there until things cooled down."

The others stared at her confused, they didn't really believed her but they also didn't want to ask anymore questions.

"Well then, Titans let's go back to the hotel and get some rest." said their fearless leader.

As they were walking, Raven spot the guy who started this whole mess. Anger came over her as she ran over to him and threw him against the wall. The other Titans gasped, but Raven held the guy to the wall.

"Hi... Remember me?... I have a little message for you... if you ever call me a bitch again, I'll make sure your ass is in jail for sexual harassment."

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