Chapter 5 Sweet Farewell.

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As Bushin woke up from his unconsciousness his vision was blurred for 10-15 seconds, Bushin rubbed his eyes to better clear up his scarlet eyes, then when the captain he shook his head gently and gained back sight he finds out his friends are kidnapped. It was no bold assumption. Bushin, now completely lost and momentarily weakened, couldn't detect their aura to track them down, knowing this, he still tried to save Toby and other members. That young Kage may have gotten less strong, but his will is more than enough to keep him going, so with the ball of light by the palm his hand he runs forward into a straight pathway, not a maze.

"This isn't good." He thought nervously while running as fast as he can. "Toby and the others are now kidnapped and taken...I can't lose hope now, not for them." Bushin was desperate, worried, and frightened. While looking for his friends, he begins to overthink, disrupting his calm state and driving him to run the wrong way.

Meanwhile, Toby, Axe, Dusk, Dawn, Mike, Skylar, Willow, and Arthur are locked inside huge, hanging birdcages one per individual. Dusk punches the steel bars, with his hardened fists so that he can bust himself out. In doing so, sparks of energy fly out, but not a single dent is made, Dusk stubbornly continues to punch the bars. In annoyance, Dawn says to her brother "Can't you just use your head Dusk? You know these cages are built for dampening our energies"

Dusk didn't listen however as he keeps hitting the bars. "How about less talking, and more action Sister?" he uttered sarcastically "Oh and Toby, it would be nice know- free us out with your Time Manipulation."

"Jeez, you two stop it." Skylar moaned, then spoke out "And here they say I have problems"

"Honestly, you guys." Arthur got irritated by this nonsense of Dusk's sarcasm and joined in "We have to focus on breaking us out of these birdcages without getting noticed, by the man in black robes."

"How though?" Dawn asked

"There's a key in his pocket." He answered quickly and quietly as he points it out on the Zealot's key hanging outside. "If we get it to one of us, then we'll be able to unlock the doors and leave this place."

Willow liked the idea; Arthur came up with. "Good...thinking...How will we do it if we are 10 feet off ground?"

So suddenly, a voice vibrated on Willow's comms saying. "Maybe ask help from a member still running." Her eyes widened in shock; she is surprised to hear that Bushin is not locked up. Mike checked in on his comms, contacting their team captain "Captain." He whispered "Boy am I glad to know your around. Thought you'd leave."

Bushin was in the middle of the cave, whispering back. "I'm not. Things are getting a bit rough where I'm heading too, got lost...again."

"You've got to be kidding me." Mike sighed "Where are you currently?"

"In a Deathtrap room" he replied, "I happened to see a warning skull sign shaped like a triangle on the rocky walls, it's also dark in here which makes the situation worse."

After being told that Bushin is inside a Deathtrap room, the team looked at each other in great shock, this made Arthur hurry when speaking to Bushin, urging him not to make a single movement "Whatever you do buddy, stay where you are and don't move!"

"Okay, but how do I get out of here?"

Bushin is starting to worry about this cave as he stays still, completely frozen with his fingers on the com and with his legs flexed in a battle stance. Arthur panics looking for a way to help out his friend and ally escape the traps to safety. Later on, a thought came to Arthur's mind as if a light bulb shined bright above his head. It was not just any thought; however, it was an idea that could save Bushin's life. Then he speaks to Bushin "Captain, I need you to listen to me, there are 3 deathtrap rooms inside this cave, which one are you inside."


"There are signs written inside them. Turn on your flashlight and find the sign, be sure to tell me once you saw it."

Bushin grabs a flashlight on his pocket, pushes the button that turns it on, bright and points it upward, going down slowly on both sides of left and right, carefully he looks at the walls while moving his arm holding a flashlight. Once a slim bit of light grazes a letter, Bushin starts reading it out loud S-W-E-E-T – F-A-R-E-W-E-L-L.

Bushin read to Arthur "Sweet Farewell." Arthur exclaimed "SWEET FAREWELL?!!" He nearly dropped the map he pulled out from his inventory seconds ago. Luckily it only fall on the floor he was on. The Zealot looked up at Arthur suspecting he is talking to someone. However, Arthur uncomfortably smiles at him, assuring nothing suspicious is going on. The man in his black robes turned his attention away from Arthur. Arthur then goes back to whispering to Bushin on the comms "That's the deadliest room ever discovered in this cave, they're found below, above and on the sides of the rocky cave walls. No one dared to enter that location, because people die in there."

"Oh Golly." Bushin sighed "This is bad."

"Don't worry, I have the map that gives info of where the minefields are planted underground. Each direction I give, you follow, I have a tracker implanted onto everyone's shoulders in case one or many of us gets lost."

"Nice one...wait a minute, how come you didn't tell us about this?"

Arthur answered "the connection is disrupted once we fell into this cave.

"I trust you." Bushin said to Arthur.

"Well, have faith. And pray that you're alive in one piece."

Bushin made the sign of the cross, praying for his safety, and his friends' safety as well. Bushin knew this will be a difficult task since he couldn't sense any vibration on ground (He's not an Earth Bender)

"Okay Bushin, I need you to turn walk slowly forward."

Bushin did as Arthur told him to do. He took his steps and walk forward, remaining alert of traps dead ahead. "Stop." Arthur spoke, which Bushin follows and freezes, now Arthur told him to go left, and he walks to the left. Arthur then tells him to turn right, and Bushin turns to the right. Slowly but surely with each direction given, Bushin was able to take his steps and walk carefully without a single false step. Despite this however, it took Arthur and Bushin explicitly 30 minutes to accomplish their task.

After effortfully avoiding deathtraps, Bushin let out a sigh of relief and lie down on the ground. "Finally, we got through it."

"Indeed, we did." Arthur also sighed in relief Although it took very little time to succeed."

Toby raised his eyebrow at the fact Arthur replied with such relief "Little?" The rest looked at Arthur with the same set of raised eyebrows. It makes Arthur laugh awkwardly at them.

"Well, at least our Captain's alright." Axe's answer break out the uncomfortable moment "He helped us out a lot. And I think with him, we could be a great team, if not the greatest."

Bushin couldn't help but feel appreciated by group of people for the first time, but eventually the ground opened up a hole where he was lying down on and down, he has fallen into.

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