Part Twenty-Four: Friends and Foes

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The seed of fear that had sprouted in the pits of Netilaa's stomach faded quickly as she slipped her sword from its sheath. A feral sound escaped her own throat, surprising even herself for a moment at the sheer ferocity reverberating through her. The queen took a step sideways, initiating a predatory saunter as she eyed her opponent.

The shapeshifters purple scales glistened under a flash of lightening overhead, though it did little to intimidate Netilaa. The looming storm only seemed to fuel the electricity that buzzed along her skin, as if the magic of her fallen people was tangible in the air around her.

"The last time I stood here," Netilaa growled, something animalistic overtaking her as she channeled every ounce of warrior she held within herself. "I was bested by my enemy, taken off guard by an attack I didn't see coming."

"History tends to repeat itself." The Hosh hissed, taking the opportunity to strike out with its sharp talons before retreating out of her reach once more.

"Not with me, it doesn't," the queen answered, lunging forward to strike quickly before mirroring the shapeshifter and pulling back from its reach. A line of deep purple spilled from the creatures limb, the slice eliciting another growl though it was nowhere near fatal.

Without another word, the Hosh hunched low before launching itself through the air. Everything seemed to fall into slow motion, though their movements were a blur as they seemed to dance. A slash from the creatures talons ripped through flesh along Netilaa's thigh, and she returned with a swift swipe of her sword along the shapeshifter's abdomen. The hit was intentional, not deep enough take it out but certainly enough to slow its movements.

Netilaa was playing with the shapeshifter.

Rage fueled her movements, and the queen lavished in the feel of her muscles flexing as she swung, over and over again. When the creature would lunge, she would sidestep, slicing with her blade a little at a time, eliciting snarls and hisses with every precise blow she landed. The clouds ignited in the skies above once again, a sharp crack of thunder splitting the air as she continued the dance until she was lost in the sheer pleasure of the fight.

The warrior's movements only slowed when the shapeshifter began panting, sputtering dark curses as it stumbled across the empty garden.

"I will end you," it hissed.

Though the queen was bleeding, the wounds went unnoticed as she smirked wildly, circling back around the beast. Her blade was poised low, the tip nearly grazing the stone beneath them as she held it loosely between her fingers.

"I know my end," Netilaa barked out around a feral laugh. Her voice was unfamiliar, even to herself, the Oracle's words resurfacing as she made her final decision to end the fight. "And you will not bring it. I will die a hero, and you? You will die here, in the ruins of my people where no one will ever know you existed. You are nothing, and you fight for nothing. The king you serve will find the same fate. Anyone who dares cross me will join you as your soul wanders, restless with the desire for a revenge that will never come and a peace that will never be found."

The creature lunged again, a wild rage flashing through its indigo eyes as one last snarl broke through those jagged teeth. Netilaa crouched to one knee, planting her other foot underneath her just as the shapeshifter reached her. Utilizing the shock of her quick movements, she launched her sword upwards. Using all her force, Netilaa shoved the blade upward through its abdomen. Slicing through flesh and bones, the queen pushed until the tip of her weapon speared through the top of its skull with a sickening sound.

With a dull thud, the creature fell at her feet, lifeless as its head rolled to the side. A smirk danced across her lips as the queen removed her blade in one fluid motion, wiping it clean on her pants. Before she could return the weapon to its sheath, a movement in the corner of her eye drew her attention to the crumbling garden wall.

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