Chapter 1

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Aikawa Yui was the hospital's little ball of sunshine. Her laughter echoed through the sterile hallways, and her infectious energy made even the most serious doctors crack a smile. Despite her fragile heart, Yui had a spirit that refused to be dimmed. Every day, she greeted the nurses and doctors with a bright, beaming face. But among all the medical staff, there was one person she specifically loved to bother, Shuntaro Chishiya.

Chishiya was a medical student, only four years older than Yui. He was quiet, sharp, and always expressionless. It was this very aloofness that drew Yui to him like a magnet. She found endless joy in trailing behind him wherever he went—whether it was the hospital lobby, the hallways, or the rooftop garden. The only places she didn't follow him were those where she wasn't allowed.

Yui knew everything about Chishiya. She knew he was brilliant, even among his peers. She also knew he found her constant attention annoying, but she didn't care. Being around him made her feel alive, and that was enough. For Yui, this hospital had been her home for months, and in a way, Chishiya had become a part of her world—a beautiful part she wasn't ready to let go of.

Yui herself had once dreamed of becoming a doctor, but that dream was crushed years ago. Her heart condition had trapped her in a cycle of treatments and hospital stays. She would never leave this place, not as a doctor. Her doctor said she'd be fine one day, that she'd recover, but Yui knew better. She had come to terms with her fate when she was just eight years old. She might have a shorter lifespan than others, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the time she had left.

Today, Yui was doing just that. She followed Chishiya as usual, her eyes glued to his back as he made his rounds. "Do you need me to check your eyes because your stare is very annoying?" Chishiya's voice cut through her thoughts.

Yui grinned, completely unfazed. "Oh, don't be shy, Dr. Shuntaro. You know I like to stare at beautiful things... or people." She winked, knowing full well that her teasing would get under his skin.

Chishiya shot her an irritated glance. "What did I tell you about shameless flirting? It's embarrassing."

"Not to me!" Yui shot back with a laugh.

Chishiya sighed, clearly not in the mood for her antics. He walked away from the front desk, and Yui trailed behind, chattering away as usual. They stopped at a vending machine, where Chishiya surprised her by purchasing a cup of hot chocolate. Yui watched, curious, as the machine filled the plastic cup. Never in a million years would she have guessed that Chishiya liked hot chocolate.

But what surprised her even more was when Chishiya handed the cup to her. "Drink that, and go away," he said, his tone flat but not unkind.

Yui blinked, taking the cup from his hand. Did he just buy her a drink to get rid of her? The idea amused her more than anything. It made her feel like a little kid being bribed, but somehow, she couldn't be offended. It was too funny.

"Are you trying to get rid of me?" she asked with a smirk.

Chishiya shrugged. "Maybe? Is it working?"

Yui's laughter rang through the hallway. "Of course it's not working. I'll keep pestering you until I die. So there's no point in bribing me to go away."

Chishiya didn't respond immediately, but a small, almost imperceptible smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Fine. But for now, drink that and go back to your room. I have something to do." He reached out and patted her head, a rare gesture of affection that sent Yui's heart racing. Then, without another word, he walked away, leaving her standing there with a warm cup of hot chocolate and an even warmer feeling in her chest.

Yui stared after him, her face flushed and her heart beating faster than it should—dangerously fast, considering her condition. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. The last thing she needed was to collapse in the hallway.

Looking down at the cup of hot chocolate, Yui couldn't help but smile. The warmth of the drink and the memory of Chishiya's hand on her head made her feel like she was floating. It was such a simple gesture, yet it meant the world to her.

With a heart full of joy, Yui returned to her room, the hot chocolate still in hand. She could hardly wait to fangirl over her favorite doctor in the privacy of her hospital room. Today had been a very good day for Aikawa Yui, and she couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring.


Back in her room, Yui settled into her bed, tucking her legs beneath the covers. The room was quiet, save for the soft hum of the machines that monitored her vitals. It was a sound she had grown used to—a constant, subtle reminder of the fragility of her life. But tonight, it didn't feel oppressive. Tonight, the rhythmic beeping seemed almost comforting, as if it were keeping time with the gentle warmth that still lingered in her chest.

Yui took another sip of the hot chocolate, savoring the way it spread warmth through her body. It wasn't just the taste or the warmth that made it special, but the fact that Chishiya had given it to her. He might not have shown it often, but in that small act of kindness, Yui saw a glimpse of something more—a softer side of him that he rarely revealed. It was a side of him that made her heart ache in a way that had nothing to do with her illness.

She sighed contentedly and let her head fall back against the pillow. The ceiling above her was plain, painted in a dull, hospital white, but in her mind, it transformed into a canvas of memories. She thought back to all the times she had spent with Chishiya, the brief conversations, the silent moments when he tolerated her presence, and the rare instances when he had shown her a hint of genuine concern. Each memory was like a precious gem, something she could hold onto in the moments when the reality of her situation threatened to overwhelm her.

But tonight, there was no room for sadness. Tonight, she allowed herself to bask in the warmth of that simple gesture—the hot chocolate, the pat on her head, the softening of Chishiya's usual stern expression. She knew better than anyone how fleeting life could be, and she had learned to find joy in the small things. It was all she could do.

As the night wore on, Yui found herself drifting into a peaceful sleep. The cup of hot chocolate, now empty, rested on the bedside table. She had hoped to stay awake long enough to see Chishiya again during his evening rounds, but her body had other plans. The day's excitement had drained her energy, and she couldn't fight the pull of sleep any longer.

In her dreams, she saw a world where she wasn't confined to a hospital bed—a world where she could walk beside Chishiya through the streets of Tokyo, exploring the city she had never truly experienced. They laughed together, free of the weight of her illness, and in that dream, she was whole. It was a beautiful dream, one that she didn't want to wake from.

But even as she slept, a small smile remained on her lips, a reminder of the warmth she had felt earlier. And though she didn't know what the future held, Yui was content with the knowledge that today had been a good day, and sometimes, that was enough.

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