Chapter 2: First Meet: Her intimidating Eyes

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Pervious Chapter: 

"Damn it... not her" Mia said in her head.




Author's POV

Mia's heart skipped as the girl she'd noticed—Rose—raised her hand lazily, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. Her eyes were still fixed on Mia, interest flickering behind them. Mia quickly looked away, her face heating up, and made her way toward the empty seat next to Rose.

As she sat down, Mia could feel the weight of Rose's gaze on her, but she didn't dare look back. She focused instead on pulling out her notebook and pen, her hands fumbling slightly as she tried to appear nonchalant.

"So... Eastwood, huh?"

The voice was smooth, almost teasing. Mia tensed. Rose was talking to her, and for some reason, it made her heart race.

"Uh, yeah," Mia mumbled, her eyes fixed on her notebook. She wasn't sure what else to say, and the words felt awkward on her tongue.

Rose didn't seem to mind the lack of enthusiasm. Instead, she leaned in a little closer, her presence undeniable now. "How's it compared to this place? Smaller? Bigger?"

Mia hesitated. "It's smaller. This school is... a lot bigger than I'm used to."

Rose nodded, though Mia wasn't sure if she was really that interested in her answer. "You'll get used to it," Rose said, her voice soft but certain. "It's not as bad as it seems. Just gotta find your people."

Mia didn't respond. She could feel Rose watching her, waiting for more, but her shyness locked the words inside her. She wasn't good at this—small talk, or any kind of talk, really.

The class dragged on, but Mia couldn't shake the awareness of Rose beside her, the faint scent of her perfume, the way she seemed to move with an effortless confidence. At one point, Mia dared a glance at her, only to find Rose already looking her way, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

Caught, Mia quickly looked down at her notes, her heart pounding in her chest.

"You always this shy, or am I just intimidating?" Rose whispered suddenly, leaning just a little closer. The question was playful, but there was something else there, something that made Mia's breath catch.

Mia bit her lip, not sure how to respond. Was she shy? Or was it just that Rose had this magnetic energy that threw her off balance?

Before she could gather the courage to answer, Mrs. Carter's voice cut through the room. "Alright, class, let's review yesterday's homework."

Mia inwardly sighed with relief, grateful for the distraction. She glanced at the board, trying to focus on the equations, but all she could think about was how Rose had turned her quiet world upside down in the span of a single class.

As the lesson carried on, Rose didn't push any further, but Mia could feel her presence like a soft hum in the background. The occasional tap of her fingers on the desk, the sound of her quiet breath as she leaned back in her chair, even the way she seemed to glance at Mia every now and then, as if she were trying to figure her out.

The final bell rang, and Mia packed up her things quickly, eager to escape the strange whirlwind of emotions swirling inside her. As she stood up, Rose caught her eye again, her smirk still lingering.

"See you around, Mia," Rose said, her tone laced with something that made Mia's stomach flip.

Mia nodded awkwardly, clutching her notebook to her chest as she hurried out of the classroom. But even as she made her way down the hall, she could feel Rose's eyes on her, the silent invitation hanging in the air between them.

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