05- No Peace

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1 week later

"You dressed yet? We have to get to the hospital." Nyla says to Naomi.

"I can't do this another day," Naomi says. "Maybe y'all can go without me."

"It's hard for me too sis but I mean we have to be there in case-"

"Don't say it Ny!"

"What? I'm just saying that-"

"Don't say because it's not going to happen. I just don't like seeing mommy like that I mean i don't even know if she knows we're there." Naomi says. "I finally find someone that cares about me and this shit."

"I get it, I mean I never thought I'd see her like this either and dad is taking it so hard he didn't even eaten or showered since this happened, I'm worried about both of you plus myself." Nyla hugged her. "But we have to be strong because it's one thing she taught me is that life be lifing but you have to keep pushing."

"The old lady speech at 16 sis," they both chuckle through tears.

"We have to go, dad is waiting downstairs." Nyla says.

A couple moments later, the three of them arrive at the hospital and the nurse is pretty much used to seeing them because they haven't missed a day the whole week.

"Mr. Taylor, right this way." She escorted them to Fatima's room. "I have a surprise for you all."

As the door open and Fatima's eyes slowly shot over to them, all of their faces lit up. Although she was still hooked up to tubes and couldn't speak at the moment, she was awake, there was hope.

"MOMMY!!" Nyla and Naomi ran to her bed side.

"I don't wanna hug you because you're hooked up. But can I hold your hand?" Nyla asked.

"She still can't speak or fully breathe on her own but she's making good progress." The nurse explained.

Fatima attempted to nod just enough to let her know it was okay.

"I'll hold her other one." Naomi says, going to the other side of the bed.

"Ma we missed you like crazy. Daddy was a wreck and so were we." Nyla explained.

Fatima softly squeezed both of their hands.

"I can't handle stuff like this," Naomi says. "Shit I thought I was going to pass out."

"Watch your mouth," Zac says.

"My bad, I'm just happy she's okay," Naomi says.

"Help us out here, we don't know what to say." Nyla looked at Zac for assistance.

Zac came and sat at the foot of Fatima's bed. He just stared at her for a second as tears started to flow. "Hey Ti," he says barely over a whisper. Zac hasn't really said much to Fatima while she was out of it. He couldn't get up the words but this time was different he let it all out. Just as he was in the middle of it though, there was a visitor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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