Chapter Seventeen

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Soobin scrunches his nose at the light infiltrating the room, seeping through the blinds and practically blinding him as the sun begins to rise. There's a throbbing in both his head and arm, a dull ache that spreads throughout the rest of his body. The couch beneath him does little to help, too small to sleep on comfortably.

He doesn't remember falling asleep. He blinks multiple times, trying to clear the fog in his brain. The last thing he remembers is... nothing. It's a blank slate, completely void. He was supposed to be making a plan with Yeonjun. Did they ever come up with something?

His eyes scan the living room, landing on the glass of water on the coffee table, ice half melted now as condensation clings to the side. The couch sinks down as he pushes himself up, rubbing the side of his head with his hand, and that's when the makeshift bandage catches his eye. His arm is wrapped tightly in what looks like a torn up t-shirt. He drags his fingers over the frayed fabric, wincing from how sensitive the area is.

"Oh," Kai's voice exclaims from the kitchen. "You're awake! I was getting a bit bored in here."

Soobin frowns, turning around to look at Kai. He's chirpy, practically bouncing around as he pours a cup of coffee.

"Do you want some?" He asks, pointing down to his cup. "I can make some more if you want."

"I don't drink coffee."

Kai hums. "So you're one of those people, I see."

He can't be bothered to ask what Kai means by that, especially not with his head pounding against his skull. Trying to sit up only amplifies the awful feeling, a wave of dizziness sweeping over him. The thin blanket that he once had in the room with him is wrapped loosely around his body, falling down onto his lap when he sits up. He feels that familiar lurch in his stomach that he did the night before, along with the cold, clammy feeling of sweat clinging to his skin.

The smell of blood is no longer present, covered with the scent of coffee, and when he turns around to look at where the man once was, there's nothing there. The floor is cleaned, spotless as if nothing had happened.

"Jun, uh..." Kai trails off momentarily, his eyes staring at the same spot as Soobin. "Disposed of it? Him, I mean." He sighs loudly, rubbing his forehead with his forefinger and thumb, a forced laugh passing his laughs. "That sounds soterrible. Sorry, all of this is kind of... a lot."

And yeah, it does sound terrible. How is it possible for Yeonjun to kill a person that he knew since he was a child and then get rid of them like they're nothing more than a bag of trash? How does he not feel guilty in the slightest? Where is he even...

Soobin shakes his head, he doesn't want to know. He doesn't care.

"Do you want some food?" Kai asks, opening the fridge door. "You haven't really eaten anything since you've been here."

"Not hungry," Soobin says flatly, pressing his back against the cushion with a shaky sigh.

"You need to eat something," Kai says from the kitchen, pulling items out of the cabinet and setting them down on the counter. "I'm pretty good at cooking. I'm sure I could make something that you'd like."

He doesn't say anything. He feels like a puppet being held hostage, his will broken. Yeonjun broke him so easily – he caved so easily. All he can do is stare at the untouched cup of water, watching the condensation slowly run down the side, pooling around the edge of the glass.

Kai sits down on the chair across from him, crossing his legs on the cushion, taking a bite out of a granola bar. The scent of peanut butter fills the space and he scrunches his nose at the smell. He can feel Kai's eyes on him, burning holes through his skin while he twiddles his thumbs, pretending to not know Kai is there. And maybe it's rude of him to take out his frustration on Kai, but he doesn't feel bad in the slightest. He's friends with Yeonjun, so that makes Kai a bad person by association.

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