Auditor's Priceless Treasurer (CHAPTER 3)

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Jay: "Of course, bud. Why would I hate you?''
Liam: "W-well. I have a surprise for you in your ice cream so you can dig in your ice cream to find it"
Jay: "Okay, go on and say it while I dig in"
Liam: "W-w-well...the thing"
Jay: "What?"
Liam: "I...I......"

The atmosphere seems different than usual, I feel like Liam's...CONFESSING TO ME?!

What's wrong with me? I've been rehearsing this moment for the past year and I can't say it clearly to Jay, why's my heart beating too fast for me to hold it in?

Liam: "Um...I-"

Just as Jay was expecting a confession from Liam. His phone rang violently, it was his mom. Apparently, she's been leaving him 20 more messages while Jay and Liam were enjoying their ice cream

Jay: "Oh? It's my phone, mom's calling. Hi mom, what's wrong?"
Yurimi: "Hurry, come quick, your sister's in an accident."
Yurimi: "I'll explain later, your sister needs you now. Hurry come over!"
Jay: "Yes, okay mom, I'll be there"
Liam: "Why Jay? What happened?"
Jay: "Hana's in an accident, you can tell me everything later. Right now, my sister needs me."
Liam: "I'll come with you!"
Jay: "Thanks, Liam"

Jay ran as fast as he can out of the park, leaving Liam still standing with the confession letter in their ice cream in his hands. 

He didn't get the surprise in the ice cream. Well, I can show this to him later on.


Ice cream seller: "Aw, such a bummer. This is the first time someone didn't get to read what's written on the paper. I think they're having an emergency, judging to the shocked and panicked expression of the other boy. Have I come to fail the world of love? What shall I do to change my fate?"


Jay burst the hospital door open and ran to the floor where Hana's room is. As soon as he saw his mom, he asked her:

Yurimi: "Calm down, it's just a minor injury"
Jay: "What kind of injury?"
Yurimi: "Well, the doctor said that it was a broken bone on the left arm but don't wor-"

Controlled by anxiety and fear of his sister critically hurt and injured. He cried out to his mom holding her by the shoulders, saying:

Jay: "DON'T WORRY?!!!! HOW CAN A BROKEN BONE BE A SMALL INJURY? THAT IS A MAJOR ONE!!. Ahem, by the way, how did she end up here?"

After Jay let go of his mom and finally calmed down. The three sat at the nearest hospital chairs and Yurimi begin to explain why Hana is in an accident.

Yurimi: "She told me that she crossed the road in a hurry and the traffic lights are going to turn green in a second. She didn't care and still crosses the road. But then, a speeding car hit Hana. The police was investigating the car and they found out the breaks on the car was broken. It
got your sister rolling on the road and end up breaking her left arm. That's all"
Liam: "Why would she be in a hurry, Auntie?"
Yurimi: "I don't know, she didn't tell me."

After a short explanation, the doctor who treated Hana's injuries came to Yurimi. Jay, who immediately saw the doctors, quickly stands up with a concerned look on his face.

Doctor: "Hello, are you the patient's family?"
Yurimi: "Ah yes, doc. How's my daughter?"
Doctor: "She is now resting, I advise you to keep her in rest at home for 6 weeks, which is equal to a month. The minor broken bone should heal within those weeks. Please, don't let her push herself too much on housework or any activities."
Yurimi: "Okay, doc. Thank you so much."
Jay: "I'll talk with my sister for a while, Liam. I'll be right back."
Liam: "S-sure."

Why would Hana not wait for a 1-second traffic light countdown? She is just too stubborn. Let's just ask her, she might not give me answers but it's worth a shot.


Jay bid his mom a temporary goodbye before going to Hana's hospital room door. The second he made it, he knocked.

Hana: "Come in!"
Jay: "Hey, Habi."
Hana: "Oh? hey there."
Jay: "How you holding up?"
Hana: "I'm fine, the doctor said I can be discharged 24 hours later."
Jay: "Is that so?"

Hana just stare at Jay blankly before giving him a nod.

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