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🕰️ • Jennie POV • 🕰️

I woke up realizing I was sleeping In Lisa's house. It was currently 11:11 pm. It was about to be a Monday morning. I've been here for four hours in total. Lisa was sleeping holding me from behind since she was spooning me. We didn't have any clothes on and I tried to get up and not wake Lisa up.

When I got out of bed successfully I put on my clothes that were thrown on the floor.
"Are you leaving already?" I looked at Lisa seeing her rub her eyes after I was putting the last clothes on, which was my big hoodie.

"Yeah, sorry I can't stay any longer, but I enjoyed the time with you" I crawled back to bed kissing her lips and her cute face that was like a cute puppy wondering where the owner was going.

"Wait for me I want to walk you to the door"
Lisa hurriedly got up and grabbed her clothes to change so she could walk me to the door.
I chuckled and waited for her to walk me there.

Lisa opened her door and we walked side by side to the front door. The hallways were dark and scary that Lisa noticed and held my hand.
"Drive safely on your way okay"
She leans to kiss my temple.

"Don't worry I'll drive safe Lisa" I smiled pecking her cheek. Both our faces were red with blush. While walking my center was very much in pain but I was enduring it to not worry Lisa.

"When we get back to school on Tuesday make sure to cover my mark" I said and Lisa looked confused till I pointed at my neck to tell her I left a hick in her neck. Her eyes widened with surprise and nods saying she'll either use makeup or a pain reliever patch to just cover it.


We made it to the door and Lisa waved me goodbye as I waved back and drove off.
It was dark outside since it was almost midnight.
I came to Lisa to comfort her and to sleep with her to see if she was the real deal to preventing the bloody nightmare I would have.

Since I had slept with Lisa the nightmare didn't happen at all. Really was a cure to it and I want to have her sleep with me so I don't wake up in cold sweat repeat the loop of that night we died in that awful nightmare.

I don't plan to sleep after this since I had enough sleep with Lisa. After a while I got home and snuck back inside the house. Luckily everyone was asleep and I made my way to my room.
"Now where have you been Jendeukie?"
A lamp in the corner of my room turned on with a scary Jisoo sat on a chair waiting like some mother who caught her child sneaking back in.

"Oh it's just you Jisoo" I was relieved it wasn't mom or dad. Jisoo stood up observing me.
I felt stiff by her eyes that looked everywhere.

"Where did you go and why so late?"
She questioned.

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