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"Don't deny it, Mino. I already knew it's you since the very first. I just kept my mouth shut because I'm hoping that you will change but you didn't!" I said.

He clenches his jaw and glared at me as if I will die if he continues glaring at me. He laughs evilly. "what if I am?. No scratch that because I'm really the one" he sarcastically said. "What are you going to do now Manoban? Are you going to call cops and throw me into jail?" He said and chuckled.

"Yeah I will really do that" I smirk but this bastard Is not even scared e?.

"Then do it. Do you think the police will believe you? Huh? If you're smart then I'm smarter!" He pauses for a moment. "They will not believe you because I copy your signature to every paper need to be signed every transaction! They will believe me more because you are the one who signed to all the drugs that were delivered to me! You're so dumb!" He said and laugh evilly.

I expected this. "Oh? Are you done? Thank you for telling me" I said and stand up. He looks at me confused. I open the door of my office and welcome by the police that called by somi. This is the best plan I made besides to next one. "So I'm sure you heard what he said, officer. He's honest, isn't he?" I said and smirk at him.


"We clearly heard it Ms. Manoban." He said. They made their way to Mino who is still shocked and look pale to what he just saw and heard.

Once the police hold his hand to handcuffs him the reality hits him. He looks at me full of hope. "Lisa, please. Let's talk about this! You don't need to do this to me. I-I'm your friend" he begs. If he just looks so sincere in what he just said I will forgive him but Nah. The look on his face tells me the opposite. He doesn't regret doing all of this to me.

"Did you hear yourself? A friend? Somi is my friend and I have so many friends too but they never stole something from me!" I burst out.

His true color came out again. "You'll regret this Lisayah! I will fucking ruin you!" He threatened me as If I'm scared.

"Oh god. Don't swear because I will make sure you'll rotten inside the jail! And don't you feel ashamed? I help so many times when you need my help then you'll pay me by doing this? What's gotten to your mind? Huh? Are you that desperate to have all my money and be a drug lord?" I said. He was about to run towards me but the policemen pull him outside forcefully.

"Don't worry Ms. Manoban. I'll assure you he will never see the outside world again" he said.

"You better be," I said and he walks out. I sat on my chair and take a sip of whiskey. Minutes later somi came in.

"We already trace the bank account and we know who is it." She said and place the paper on my table. I read it.

Fuck them! Why it didn't cross to my mind that Mino can be ally of that Fucking Hanbin?!.

My veins almost pop up to my neck because of the anger I'm feeling. "Are you okay Oppa?" Somi asks.

I nod. "Somi please do anything to get back all the money they stole from us" I said. She nodded and was about to leave but I stop her.

"Somi wait" I said.

"What is it Oppa?"

"y'know I want you to come with me to Korea and be my secretary there but I need someone who will manage this branch" she looks at me confused.

"What are you trying to say Oppa?" She ask.

"I want you to be the COO of this branch once I leave you can have this office of mine and you'll move to my penthouse." I said. She looks at me so shocked. She didn't waste time and she jump to me and hug me.

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