Chapter 2: The First Possession

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No matter how Ethan Walker called out to this inexplicable system, it no longer responded. After fiddling with it for a while, Ethan Walker gave up on this unreliable system.

Everything still had to be done by oneself.

The reborn Ethan Walker finally climbed out of bed. Now he looked very miserable, covered in straw from head to toe, with a dirty face, and his stomach constantly growling.

"Starving, how long has it been since I ate?"

Rubbing his hands, Ethan Walker saw a few hard, dry buns on the table. Ignoring how long they had been there or how hard they were, he grabbed one and took a big bite.

"Mm, cough cough!" The large bite naturally made him cough violently. The bun was not only hard but also had a foul smell, which, mixed with crumbs, almost made him vomit.

He saw a large bowl nearby with some water in it and took a big gulp without thinking. This finally made him throw up.

This water... Ugh...

Damn, this transmigration feels like the world is against me.

Is there an environment worse than this?

A thatched hut, a broken bed, a rickety table, dog food, swamp water...

Ethan Walker silently questioned the heavens, feeling utterly dejected.

"Never mind, there's always a way out. Besides, I have this system that sounds promising. I should manage."

Ethan Walker sat down and noticed a clean white jade bottle on the table. The owner seemed to cherish it, as there was a cloth next to it for daily wiping. After merging with the original owner's memories, Ethan Walker knew this bottle contained the spiritual elixir given by the kind-hearted spiritual master.

"Spiritual elixir, huh? Can this provide energy? Can it stave off hunger?"

Ethan Walker thought as he reached for the jade bottle.

As soon as he touched the bottle, a familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding, detected one gram of spiritual elixir, convertible to one unit of energy. Convert?"

"Spiritual elixir can activate the vitality of fatigued cells, aiding in cultivation during the body training stage."

These two sentences stirred great waves in Ethan Walker's previously calm heart. He had been worried about what to do when the system's energy ran out. Now, it seemed that as long as the system detected valuable items, it could convert them into energy and provide information about them.

As for what the energy was used for, that remained to be tested. However, Ethan Walker was quite dissatisfied with the system's assessment.

Are you kidding me?

There's half a bottle of spiritual elixir here, and you tell me it's just one gram? What kind of measurement is that?

Ethan Walker opened the bottle of spiritual elixir, and a foul smell filled his nostrils, making him gag.

Now he understood. The original owner had most likely diluted the spiritual elixir, filling half the bottle with water. What use is this?

No wonder his physique was so weak. Playing around like this would kill anyone. And the fact that he could drink this disgusting stuff meant he was quite tough.

Of course, Ethan Walker wouldn't drink something so disgusting. Since the system had a waste utilization function, it was better to use it.


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