Chapter 3

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I have always been good at maths, I don't particularly enjoy it, but I'm not bad at it. I was doing the last question on the board as my teacher walked in and out of the students desk. "very good miss Gomez," she smiled at my work "thankyou" she took my work over to her desk ready to mark it. A knock on the door caused everyone to look up Justin was standing outside with another teacher, I'm presuming his maths teacher Justin looked angry and the teacher looked hopeless.
"May we talk to you outside please Miss Thompson?" The teacher asked, Justin was stood by the wall. "Carry on with your work please class, and NO TALKING" miss Thompson went outside to talk to Justin and the teacher. They spoke for about 3 minuets before Justin and the teacher left and Miss Thompson came back in. She marked my work and called me up to her desk. I walked up to her which was actually pretty intimidating.
"This is very very good work, your workings out are at a very high level, what was your maths like at your old school?"
"Well I was offered a scholarship not too long before I left, but I had to turn it down seeing as I was moving here, I was probably one of the best maths students there" my teacher looked impressed.
"Do you mind staying behind after class? There is something I would like to talk to you about"
"Of course" I walked back to my desk and carried on working.
Once class had finished and everyone was walking out I approached miss Thompson.
"Ermmm you wanted to speak to me miss?" She was clearing up the scrunched up worksheets on the floor.
"Ahh yes, Selena-"
"I'm here" Justin came storming through the doors and threw himself into a chair, glancing at me to give me a quick wink before he looked back over at miss. What was up with this boy and winking?
"Yes Justin, it has come to our concern that you aren't doing too well in maths at the moment so me, and your maths teacher thought it would be a good idea to give you a tutor" Justin's eyebrows raised and his eyes widened.
"A tutor? Really? Pfft not happening" he shook his head and moved his hand in a motion to say 'stop trying to get me a tutor because I don't want one'. I kinda just stood there awkwardly as miss tried to convince him it was a good idea.
"Selena will really help improve your maths and well-"
Justin's eyes lit up "infact," he clicked his fingers "maybe it would be good for me to have a maths tutor" he looked at me and raised his eyebrows quickly, then put them down again. I was curious on why he had a sudden change of mind but didn't want to push it.
"So it's settled, Selena you will tutor Justin in maths for 4 weeks and if there are signs of improvement, then we shall see if it can become a long term thing" Miss Thompson looked finally relieved that Justin had got a tutor.
As we walked out of class we passed 'the populars' they all smirked at Justin whereas I felt extremely uncomfortable.
"Selena, come to mine after school? We can start on the maths tutoring?" I smiled
"Sure that would be great" and with that I left for second lesson.
After school.....
I was waiting by the gate for Justin to pick me when all of a sudden I heard a honk from behind me I turned round to see Justin in a black car windows down, and music blasting
"Jump in" Justin smirked sticking his head out the window causing me to laugh.
As I got in his car I couldn't help but laugh at the song playing. "That's not me" by skepta was on and I knew all the words because I love rap music. I did up my seatbelt and Justin started to drive to his house I looked over at him to see him bobbing his head to the music. "yeah that's not me, act like a waste man that's not me" we both sang at the same time we looked at eachother shocked, I was shocked because of how good he sounded and he was probably shocked because of the fact I actually knew the words.
"You like rap?!" Justin seemed surprised
Justin chuckled "I never saw you as a rap girl, i mean your all rich and shit"
"What the fuck does me being 'rich' have anything to do with rap music?!" I laughed
"No I just mean I thought you would be all sophisticated" he glanced at me before turning back to the road.
"Wow Justin I didn't even know that word was in your vocabulary" I smirked and he chuckled.
"Yo don't be mean and I'm sick at English"
"Did you just here yourself?" I burst out laughing. "Your English was terrible" we were both in fits of laughter and let's just say his smile was pretty breath taking.
We finally got to Justin's house and I carried my school stuff in. He gave me a quick tour before we headed up to his room to start his maths, how fun. Note the sarcasm.

Hey guys thankyou so much for reading and voting!! I hope you are enjoying it but it's only just started😏 Atleast 8 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter💛 love you all millions💙

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