Chapter 6

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Selena POV
Me and Justin were now in town. We had been walking around doing a whole bunch of stuff and mainly enjoying each others company, I'm not going to lie..I think I might have a crush on Justin but I don't want him finding out because that could just ruin our friendship. I can't help it, he's just so flirty and it makes me laugh not to mention the fact that he is drop dead gorgeous. Right now we were at this place where water shoots out of the ground, I was running in and out of them whilst Justin tried to catch me.
"Please Justin don't" I laughed whilst he tried to get me drenched in water.
"C'mon babe your hot when your wet"
"Ewww Justin your so gross. And how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not your fucking babe" I joked. My use of swear word made him laugh
"Okay, okay fine" he managed to catch up to me and before I knew it his muscular arms were wrapped around my waste as he picked me up and spun me getting us both soaking wet from the sprinklers. I felt so safe in his arms and knowing that I made him laugh made me so happy. He eventually put me down, I turned around so that I now faced him and pushed him back into the water, he stumbled back a bit but kept his balance.
"We should be going"
I pouted "today's been such good day Justin"
"Yeah I've had fun, cmon I'll take you home"

Once Justin had walked me to my front door I instantly felt a wave of sadness wash over me. Sad that I wouldn't see him for hours and sad that our amazing day was now over.
"I'll see you tomorrow Selena" he gave me a hug goodbye and I nuzzled into the crook of his neck loving the smell, weird I know but seriously he smells really good. We were interrupted by my father opening the door.
"It's late Selena" I let go of Justin's waist. I was about to talk but Justin got there before me.
"I'm sorry sir, that's my fault, I lost track of time" Justin spoke with confidence
"Yes well, I think you should come in Selena" my dad didn't once look at me, instead he kept a very intimidating look on Justin. Although Justin didn't seem phased by my dad.
"Goodnight Selena" he nodded his head at me before leaving. I gave my dad a 'what the hell' look before walking in to my house. My mom didn't look impressed either.
"Sit down Selena" I sat down on the sofa as my mom sat In front of me on a chair she had pulled out and my dad stood next to my mom. I'm in serious trouble.
"I got a phone call today from the principal, apparently you thought it was acceptable to skip school" I didn't say anything
"I'm going to cut to the chase, I don't think I want you seeing that boy anymore, he's a bad influence" I stood up
"WHAT?! MOM YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HIM!!!" I shouted however my mom just sat there with her arms crossed.
"We want you to focus on school, not on your little boyfriend-"
"He's not my boyfriend" I interrupted my dad
"Selena we don't want you seeing him and that's final"
My mom snapped
"Yknow, maybe you should give him a chance" I calmly said before walking off to my room.
As soon as I sat on my bed I got a text
From Justin😏 to Selena😆:
Your dads intimidating😕
From Selena😆 to Justin😏:
Awww was little Justin scared? Don't worry I'll protect you from him
From Justin😏 to Selena😆
Me? Scared? Ha! Yeah right pffft he wishes I was scared. Anyway night night Selena x
From Selena to Justin
Goodnight x
Omg omg he did a kiss to me! Like a actual kiss, It was a bit risky putting one back but I just went for it. I put my phone down and drifted off to sleep.

Justin's POV
From Kendall😜 to Justin😈:
Tick-Tock Justin
I put my phone down. Fuck. The bet.

I'm sorry it's short but I hope you liked it😌 I'm not sure if I liked this chapter that much but I hope you like the story love you babes💜

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