The only light in Asteria Cliff's bedroom was a silver sliver from the moon. She laid in her bed in the early hours of the morning staring up at her room's old, wooden ceiling, the stars outside her window shining brighter than a flame. Standing up and stretching, Asteria moved to sit on the window's ledge, needing fresh air. She was told when she was little that the stars were her ancestors looking down on her, that they were each a different family member, shimmering against the black canvas sky .

 She didn't really understand it then but as she sat looking out this window every night, staring up at the dark void known as the night sky she slowly came to understand all the stories. Every night when she looked up at the stars, she looked for her father as if he's up there protecting her. Asteria shifted awkwardly on the window, she didn't really like to dwell on her past; it always upset her. She's always been good at astronomy, ever since she was younger. Asteria was turning sixteen tomorrow and there are five things she cared about in her life the most. Her family, which consists of her sister Leanndra and her mother. Her three best friends Evelyn, Isla and Anastasia. Books; specifically fantasy ones that she can escape to, some of them being where the main character goes on an adventure to save the love of her life, or the classics where the prince saves the girl's life from an evil witch. Astronomy and tranquil spots where she can read her books in peace.

These are in no particular order, as she's constantly reminded.

Two hours into re-reading her favourite novel she yawned, and, accepting her fate; Asteria climbed back into bed, slowly drifting into her sleep while she stared at the ceiling. Tomorrow, her and the girls are going to their favourite spot in the woods for her birthday.

The next morning Leanndra sprung into the kitchen, pulling Asteria into a tight hug

"Good Morning Asta"

"happy birthday" she exclaimed

Asta was extremely tired but still she muttered back

"Thank you Ann"

She had completely forgotten she invited Ann to the woods today, that's probably where all the excitement came from.

Soft footsteps are heard by the girls as their mother walks into the kitchen, her long, brown hair in a bedragged bun with a few silver streaks shining through. She had dark circles under her leafy green eyes, the same as Asta's, she clearly had a long night too

"Happy birthday Asta" she yawned, stretching those deep lines in her face caused by time

Asteria stood up and rushed over to embrace her mother into warm hug

"Thank you"

"Because you and your sister are going out for breakfast and won't be needing any, i've decided you can open your presents now" she walked back into her room and Asta sat at the table eagerly. Asta and Leanndra's mother returned with two large presents and one small one on top.
Asta sighed "I told you I didn't need much this year"

"You didn't think I would actually believe that, did you?" Her mum raised an eyebrow

"No" Asta mumbled as her looked up guiltily at her mother

"Good, then open your presents" her mum pushed the pile towards her

Asteria grabbed the smallest present but her mum looked at her and quickly said

"I'd open that one last if I were you"

"Okay" Asta gave her mother a suspicious look and ripped open the largest present instead. Inside there were four thick books tied together with twine

"My favourite author, I've been wanting to read these for ages, thank you"

Her mum smiled

Asta opened her next present which revealed to be a brown cosy sweater. She held it up against her body and said proudly

"I'll wear it everywhere"

Slowly she reached for the last present and unwrapped it, inside was a small box, which Asta opened to reveal a crystal necklace which glimmered under the kitchen light.

"The same as yours" Asta said to her mother, who had an identical necklace, but hers was blue instead of purple.

"Yes, it's something I thought you would like to have matching with me,your sister has her bracelet and now you have this."

"Thank you" Asta said, standing up and giving her mum a hug. Her mother's hugs were warm and felt loving, her cinnamon and vanilla scent clung to Asteria's clothes as she pulled away. There was a knock at the door

" Asteriaaaaa" a familiar voice rung through the house to the kitchen

"Are you coming?" another said, she recognized the voices as Evelyn and Isla and turned to leave

"We have to go" Asta said

"I understand my dears" Her mother replied

"Love you" both Asteria and Leanndra called out as they ran out the door

The woods were the girls' favourite place to walk. There was always water dripping from the trees and the air smelt like rain every time they walked through there. The dampened trees scaled high above the small group, their leafy tops looked as though they were in the clouds, and bushes that surrounded their wooden bases were covered in different wild berries and flowers; there was even frost on some their leaves from the winter weather. The path the girls walked along was just barely wide enough for them to walk in a line across it, laughing and cheering, Leanndra walked on Asteria's left and Evelyn was on her right. Isla is walking behind and she calls out

"So what are we doing for Eve's birthday"

"It's still 3 months away, why must we plan it now"Asta replied

"Because it's her 18th, it's got to be extravagant" Ann yells, waving her hands dramatically

Eve looks up at the canopy of trees

"It will be, just stop yelling it's too loud"

"Your usually the one making the noise, why are you so quiet"Asteria said

Evelyn just glared at her with her dark brown eyes. All of a sudden they started laughing their hearts out, it was such a lovely sound,

"Who knew happinest hurt so bad"Leanndra said clutching her stomach

"Who knew!" Isla chuckled out

They all talked and laughed until the sun was setting,then the girls found a spot on a large rock that looked out over a small lake to watch the golden sun disappear behind the trees

"I wish Anastasia could've come" Isla said looking out across the water

"yes, but she is busy with work"Asta admitted

"We'll make time with her another day,promise"she smiled warmly,nudging Isla in the arm

"Yeah, we will," Eve walked over and sat in between the two girls, putting her arms around each of them.

Asta and Ann got home late that night, tired and still laughing. Asta rapped her knuckles against the door; nobody answered, so she called out

"We're home!"

Still no answer. The girls walked around to the back of the house and saw that a window had been broken, they looked at each other

" looks like someone broke in"Asta stated, Ann looked petrified

"Come here i'll boost you up"she said

"Why me?"Ann complained

"Because you're short and skinny so therefore you're lighter."

They walked through every room in their small house calling for their mother but she wasn't there, she was gone. 

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