Asta sat on the couch for the rest of the day,staring into space. Phoenix tried getting her attention by asking what she wanted to do,or what she wanted to eat but she just responded with

"I dont know"in a weary voice

And the truth was , she didn't know what she wanted to do, she wanted to save the other witches but she didn't want to risk losing Phoenix. He was all she had until she went home and she didn't want to go to Ann without her mother. She didn't want to go home and see the tears fall from her eyes as she told her the news, she didn't want to go anywhere; she just wanted to stay right here, on this couch.

The next evening Asteria still hadn't moved from the couch, that was until Phoenix came in, she looked up with sorrow in her eyes.


Leaning against the door frame; still giving her space, he looked back at her"Are you alright?"

She looked down at the floor and seemed to focus on something in the floorboards "Yes"

"Are you sure?"

Asta nodded slowly, Phoenix nodded back before he turned to leave

Asta's head snapped up and she shouted "wait!"her voice softened "stay"

He stood still, his back facing her

"Please, stay with me" she managed to choke out, Phoenix smirked and slowly turned.He sat down next to her

"What do you want to do now?"

Asteria climbed into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him, he kissed her back putting one hand on the back of her neck to pull her closer and the other firmly on her waist, it was clear he had been falling for her more and more even when she had been a broken mess on his couch for days on end. Even though just a couple weeks ago she had been the enemy, all he had wanted to do was wrap his hands around her neck so he didn't have the burden of taking her back to the capital city, and if it wasn't for the fact she was his one ticket to freedom he probably would've. But now, all he wants is to grasp her hips with his hands and pull her even closer if that was possible. The kisses got more heated and Phoenix started to run his hand up Asta's shirt and she could tell he wanted more, but then she had a thought. She pulled away from his lips and cleared her throat

"We save the other witches"

Phoenix looked at her, slightly disappointed

"And how do you suggest we do that?"

"We break into the cells"

"It's not that easy Asta"

Asteria gazed at the wall, thinking about a plan, twirling a piece of his hair in her fingers, he smiled before leaning his head on her shoulder and gently laying kisses on her neck

"How well do you know those guards?"

"I probably have a buddy or two I can bribe"he admitted

"If you have to bribe them, they aren't really buddies"Asta said sceptically, raising one eyebrow

"If they do what we need them to than they are"

"Your despicable" she said before pecking Phoenix on the lips

"No darling, what I am, is smart," he said before lifting Asta off his lap, standing up and walking over to a blank wall. He then dragged his finger along a crease that marked out a door frame and pushed on it, before stepping back. Asteria starred in bewilderment as the wall opened to reveal a small room

"Come on" Phoenix nodded towards it and walked in

Asta was shocked to find that the room was filled with danger, there were shiny combat knives and swords that looked as though they had never been used and there were small, burlap packages.

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