Phoenix ❤️‍🔥

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None's POV
The boys stood up in court and gave their accounts. A doctor was beside Louis as he gave his statement, and he sat back in a wheelchair once he was finished.

Bora Bora Lagoon

A few days passed and Louis was fast asleep in the hotel at the Bora Bora Lagoon.
"Shall I go and get Louis?" Niall asked as the sun was going down and all 3 of the boys had their feet in the sea.
"Yeah. He's been asleep for a few hours."
"I'll be back in a minute," Niall said before he left them.
"To freedom Harry."
"Freedom," Harry said and they cheersed their cocktails 🍸.

Niall's POV
"Louis. It's Niall," I said as I shook Louis gently.
"It's time to wake up."
"I know you want to sleep darling. But it's beautiful outside."
"Mnm, 'ine here," Louis said as he fumbled and he took hold of my hand.
"I know you are," I said before I kissed him. "But let's celebrate. We have a drink for you, a beautiful sunset and three of us to cuddle against."
"Cuddle 'ith. You..."
"Oh Louis," I said before I kissed him again. He was out of it, but he was happy.
"I... eed..."
"What do you need Louis?"
"Ok," I said and I got Louis some. As Louis drank the water, Liam came over to join me.
"Louis? Is he ok Niall?"
"Yeah, he's a bit out of it, but I think it's just because he's relaxed."
"Yes Louis?"
"Sleep... Need to..." Louis said before he lifted his hand up towards me. "Cuddle."
"Enjoy the sunset with Harry, Liam. We're going to cuddle and fall asleep together."
"Alright. Sleep well," Liam said and I climbed into the bed with Louis.


Louis's POV
"Morning Louis."
"Morning," I said as I walked into the kitchen and Harry turned to me.
"Liam said that you were out of it last night."
"I was faking. I needed some cuddles from Niall."
"So you took advantage of him?"
"I did, a little bit."
"You don't need to pretend with us. If you need cuddles, snacks, a bit of attention..."
"Thanks Harry," I said as I felt myself blushing and I looked down. "We all went through a lot but..."
"Hey," Harry said as he lifted my chin with his hand. "You were in a coma for 3 weeks. You were poisoned and you refused to get help in order to protect us. We love you more than words can express Louis."
"Thanks Harry."
"Come here," Harry said, and I hugged him as I cried.

"Louis? Are you ok?" Niall asked as he came into the kitchen in his pyjamas. The hot southern hemisphere sun was beaming through the windows and Niall rubbed his eyes and yawned as he boiled the kettle. "I thought that you'd still be in bed."
"I pretended to be out of it yesterday Niall. I just needed you close to me," I told him.
"You don't need to fake anything. We love you. I... love you," Niall said as the kettle finished boiled and he poured himself a coffee. "Hang on..."
"The realisation is hitting him," Liam said.
"You faked that?" Niall asked as he looked at me.
"Yeah lad."
"Because I needed you."
"If you need me, just shout my name. Scream it," Niall said before he hugged me and buried his face into my shirt.
"Are you awake?"
"No," Niall mumbled into my shirt.
"He needs his coffee Harry."
"I'm on it."
"I love you," I told Niall before I kissed him.
"I love you too."
"Drink this."
"Thanks Harry," Niall said as he stood up and he took his cup of coffee onto the balcony overlooking the water.


I went with Niall and we sat watching the morning sun rising in the sky.
"We're all alive Louis. We survived."
"Because of you," I told Niall.
"No, because of you. Take some credit Louis, you almost died trying to protect us. In fact you did die, for a few seconds."
"I hate to imagine how worried you all were in the hospital. Seeing how vulnerable you were when I first woke up was enough."
"I was vulnerable? You had a tube down your throat for 3 bloody weeks."
"Don't remind me."
"I'm sorry."
"No, Niall," I said as I turned to him.
"We're alive Louis. Because of you," Niall said as he looked at me.
"Because of all of us Niall. We're free of them now."
"I'm so sorry that you almost died. You know I would have given my life to protect yours."
"Which is one reason why I never told you how bad it was. I acted to keep us all safe and alive. I took a battering, but I would do it again for the same outcome," I said and Niall leaned into me. I hugged him, very happy that all of us: myself, Niall, Liam, Harry, Mark, and all of our crew were safe from those monsters. "I had to save everyone. And as they were focused on making me sick, they weren't focused on hurting you. And Mark knew, I couldn't hide my beating from him."
"He gathered evidence while you were being poisoned. When did he find out that you'd been beaten?"
"A few days after it happened. I almost collapsed during my gym session."
"Did he help you?"
"He helped me as best that he could. I'm sorry you didn't know until I had that seizure."
"I'm sorry that all of this happened to you Louis."
"I'm sorry that you got so worried Niall, and that you were in danger."
"And I'm sorry because breakfast is here," Liam announced as he put his arms around us. "We are all eternally in your favour Louis, but right now, I AM STARVING!" Liam shouted and both Niall and I laughed.
"You put yourself in harm's way to protect us Louis, I don't know how we can ever make it up to you," Harry told me as Liam went down to the breakfast raft that the staff had steered to our hut.
"I know how you can make it up to me," I told them as I stood up. "CANNONBALL!" I shouted as I jumped into the sea.

Fifteen minutes of chaos, water and food later, Niall swam over to me.
"You... are too pure for this world Louis."
"I know lad. I know," I said before I kissed him. "I'm so glad that I found you after you went missing in Ireland."
"You know me, I had one too many pints, that's all that caused it."
"I love you Niall."
"I love you too Louis," Niall said, and he kissed me.

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