Beginning Era

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It's Day 1 of the universes existence, there's nothing but stars that live within the galactic world. Nothing, not even Earth are available with life just yet. As stars die off and send pieces of stardust and other chemicals flying out into the void of space, they slowly collide and gain pieces, years and years eventually creating a world far light years away with metal and other chemicals...


The world made of chemicals, metal and energy slowly got bigger and bigger. Eventually reaching it's point, the chemicals within the center of it mixed creating a 'Life form' powerful enough to make others. This single 'Life form' didn't have a so called soul or mind. It was just something that could create so we couldn't just call it a 'Life form' a better name would be... The Allspark

This Spark created the first ever being to roam on the First Day of the living being era..


This being wandered around the place, collecting supplies in order to live. Being made of complete metal, and having nothing but it's fist to protect itself from whatever dangers roamed about, this being created it's own little shack to live in peace.

As years passed, he noticed he wasn't alone. Other beings like him seemed to roam the same world he thought he had for himself, as more as these beings recruited together. The first created one looked upon them and saw them as inferior beings, he was much bigger than them. Much more important. He claimed himself to be more powerful, far more better than them. The rest didn't agree but they knew better than to fight him.

As the Colony continued to grow, these beings of "lower status" were created which the higher ones saw as inferior. As time continued to develop it became knowledgeable that the higher and bigger ones were far more powerful than the smaller ones. These higher beings became known as "HUCL'S" or "Higher upper cybertronian life forms" these beings were know to have much more power then others, and were much more important then the smaller ones.

As time went on, these HUCL's forced the smaller ones to work for them entirely. Making machines, building others and waiting for the Allspark to give them a life chance. It was something..

After years of working and thriving, the first ever HUCL, HUCL- 000,035,135 made a sparkling by himself somehow.. This sparkling being known as HUCL- 890,100,255. The first ever sparkling to have not been supposedly created by the Allspark, this made the smaller ones fear and respect the First ever HUCL on his power. They especially were afraid because who knew if this Sparkling would grow up to be just as cruel and selfish as his father, and he'd maybe even be far more powerful than anyone could know. They had to all be careful...


Though much to the HUCL's surprise, this Sparkling was different from them. Much different, they couldn't tell if it was because it hadn't been created by the Allspark, but it was.. Different..

It was peaceful, it barley cried or wailed. It played with the smaller bots much more gently than the other HUCL sparklings did, and would get mad at the other sparklings for harming the smaller Cybertronians. HUCL- 000,035,135 didn't mind for now, it was only a baby, so it was likely they'd change when they got older which he was confident was gonna happen.

But as HUCL- 890,100,255 grew, it became much more respectful towards the smaller Cybertronians and everyone, even the ones who were meant to be inferior to him. His 'father' often would scold him for viewing his so called servants as equal, and it was so much clear that this new HUCL was far different from the rest of them. Different mindset, different height, even clearer, different optics...

HUCL or any Cybertronian optic color for that matter would range from Red, yellow, blue and white, but never in history had they seen somebody with Pure Gold optics. Even so, the few Cybertronians who did, always had a secondary color within them such as Red, yellow, blue and White. So it was never as rare, but this one, specifically had pure Gold ones that would shimmer like the stars. If you were to ever stare at him for long, you'd definitely get lost...

As this HUCL grew, it eventually had that stage of rebellion. Though he never made it as obvious, he created a couple few animalistic bots and sent them off with the only purpose to be themselves and maintain peace.

Eventually when his father found out he summoned them back and killed them, which he at all wasn't pleased with his creations getting destroyed, but he had to deal with it for now. His father as punishment decided to send him off somewhere on another planet to colonize or something like that. Though he never specified which one, and HUCL- 890,100,255 was a complete litte monster, and another thing was that the mini ships system he had been sent in was very low quality and easy to hack into, so he changed his destination without the others knowing easily.


As the ship headed into its new assigned destination, HUCL- 890,100,255 wondered what kind of things he would find on this planet. It was light years away, but with the ships massive canons and well, space bridge. He'd only get there within a few hours.

This far away new planet, he hoped would teach him more and show him new beings, he wasn't gonna do anything to them of course because no matter how low profile or weak they were as long as they were to respect him as a being, he'd be able to respect them.

This new location, called Earth was still in it's early stages, the so called humans still ran in nothing but fur from hunted animals and lived in caves. So you could say they were in the Caveman ages when Goldie arrived. As he landed, he made sure to land somewhere where they would not see the ship. It's not like they were smart enough to know what a flying object in the sky was, so who knows what these flesh beings were capable of doing when threatened. The HUCL kept himself hidden either way, he preferred not to be seen for now. He only wanted to observe, plus these flesh beings would probably see him as a threat given his size and how he looked.

As he continued to closely observe over 3 so called human years and how they slowly developed in age, he accidentally scanned one. As his proccers seemed to react, he could see a human within his systems. They seemed to be developing a form for him? Suddenly his body shifted and shrunk down, he had never been taught about Cybertronians transforming. To be exact, I doubt any of them knew this could be done, but he did it anyway. Now he looked exactly like the human he had scanned, but he didn't want to look like it. It looked old, wrinkly and ugly. He tried shifting back, which took a whole lot of tries before he actually managed to do so.

He went back into his ship and blocked file access towards the other HUCL, making sure only he had access to what he'd seen. He didn't want the others to find out about this planet and colonize it for their own personal gain, plus, he wanted to have private access to the form just so he could update it himself and not have the other ones change it or even delete it from his database.


He had spent a few hours making and developing the human fleshling he had scanned earlier into something far better, how? Never question his methods, he was different, and it wasn't an understatement, he could do things far from current people's knowledge.

His new skin was soon developed.

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