2 - The Boy in My Dreams

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LaMoura, California
March 23, 2034
2:14 p.m.


I reluctantly drug myself up the stairs, to the second floor, where my boss sat waiting for me, probably with one of those stupid cigars in his mouth, acting like he was the Don from the Godfather movies or something. What an asshole. And yes, I was right in saying that because this guy was one of the biggest assholes I have ever had the displeasure of working for.

Oh, well I guess you'd like to know who I am, even though to be honest it is none of your business. But anyways, hello, my name is Jason McCann and I work for the glamorous big tech company SkyTech. They are the world's leading company in producing microprocessor chips. You know, the ones that can be implanted into the back of your brain and help you produce images that make it seem like reality. They are heavily used to escape into the world of fantasy.

But this job is crap. It had been since I had started working here four years ago at the ripe age of nineteen years old. I have yet to receive a pay raise or a promotion, and yet my supervisors will constantly walk around this building boasting that I am one of the best employees. What a load of bullshit.

I stopped in front of the main door at the end of the hallway that read CEO. God please grant me the strength to not throw myself out of a window. I took a breath, and then knocked loudly twice on the door. I entered once I heard the gruff voice say come in.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Marcus?" I said professionally as I sat in one of the blue leather chairs directly across from his desk. "Can I ask why?"

Donavan Marcus was a fat, older man in his late forties who walked around like his shit didn't stink. He was always talking down to people, always making them feel like they were small. What the hell would he know about working nine to five? A seven to three? A three to eleven? Or even a grave yard shift? That's right, he wouldn't. He's a spoiled ass trust fund baby who ate with a silver spoon his whole life. You know how he got this job? His daddy bought it for him as a present. As a present. Can you believe that? Like who just says Merry Christmas or Happy Birthday, here's a whole ass building for you. Insanity.

He had thinning gray hair that he tried to say was just the way it grew. He was bald, he just didn't want to admit it. And the motherfucker walked around like he was some sort of sex god or something. I don't know why since he was ugly as hell. The worst part is he thought every girl wanted him.

He sat his phone down after ending his call and looked up at me. "Ah, Jason. Glad that you could take some time out of your day to see me."

Not like I had a choice, I thought. I work for you. I just nodded my head back at him, reluctant to utter a word. I noticed the file he had on his desk. He saw that I was looking at it and tried to cover it with his whole arm but I managed to see my name and my employee picture. That could mean only one thing.

I sat straight up, leaning closer to him. "Are you firing me?" I asked in disbelief. This can't be happening. Mr. Marcus gulped as he looked away for a second, confirming my thoughts. I stood up, pushing the chair that I was sitting in back slightly. "Are you fucking serious? Why?"

Marcus shied away slightly, clearly intimidated by my deep authoritative voice. I snorted at his scary ass. "W-Well, you know this company has been having to make lay offs. We've already had to lay off several people today, not just you. So don't think that this was a personal choice."

I stared at him for a moment, drumming my fingers against my chin. "Those other people, were they bad employees. Were they bad at their jobs." I got a nod in return. "So it is personal, because if it wasn't, you wouldn't be letting me go." I was getting more pissed off by the minute and I wanted to rangle this day fucker's neck. As much as I hated it, I needed this job. The pay was good and it wasn't like I could just go out and find a job at another global tech firm just like that.

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