7 - Coincidence

9 2 6

Toddleson, Arizona
March 31, 2024
7:30 a.m.


The room was just like any other one, cold and doslate. Scientists, clad in the cliche white lab coats were all gathered together, like a cult group, some carrying various clipboards or tablets with their research on it.

In the middle of the room stood the dougebag Dr. Esikel, his black gloves mimicking movements that were following his words. He seemed to be in a pleasantly good mood. The smirk he seemed to always wear was etched on his face.

"You knew that this was inevitable, you ending up here." He was speaking, but not to me. His attention was focused solely on the gurney in front of him. He stepped to the side and I could see the gorgeous young boy with long, blonde hair that looked to be in a mess. His crystal blue eyes glared at Dr. Esikel with hatred.


He was strapped tightly to the gurney, more buckles rwstraining him than even I had. But then again, he was also a lot stronger than I was. He was gritting his teeth as he spoke to the mad doctor.

"I won't give you anything, Esikel. You might as well kill me now."

He was met with a loud cackle as the doctor whirled back around from the machine he was at. This was all highly amusing to him. "Kill you? Oh, no, no. There will be none of that. You are of way too much value to me, Justin too. We need to know all of those juicy secrets you've got hidden away in that pretty head of yours."

Jason snorted, laughing bitterly at him. "You think it will be that easy? You really think that I will devulge the secrets of my race? To you? I will NOT give you that much power. I won't betray them, my friends, my family.....or Justin."

Esikel now moved to stand in front of Jason, slamming his hand down forcefully as he was slowly starting to lose his patience with the man. "You act as if I had not prepared myself for years. I was but a lowly assistant the first time I had met your parents. Such noble and humble creatures. But also so very powerful. At the time, I and this organization was much too weak to take on the likes of them. But imagine my suprise when I had discovered that there was a whole race of them, each one unique in their own right, with their own unique gifts." He grabbed ahold of Jason's leg, squeezing it slightly.

"Imagine my extreme pleasantness when I discover that they had a child, one who was more powerful than any creature in existence. And that he had another creature who was bound to him, through their laws of nature, adding even more power to that list. I knew that I would dedicate my life to finding them and bringing their gifts to the world. Like Prometheus, I will bring the fire that will advance mankind for centuries. And it will all be thanks to you and your lover."

Jason yanked on his restraints, the shackles actually creaking and starting to tear with his strength. "You'll never win. I will never let you get the secrets of my family. You'll never have my powers. And you certainly will NEVER have Justin."

Dr. Esikel released his grip on Jason's leg and stepped back, still grinning. "We shall see." There was a momentary pause, and then a machine appeared next to Jason out of nowhere. The end had drill appendages attached to it. "Like I said," Dr. Esikel continued, "I have waited a long time."

With that, the drill inserted itself harshly into Jason's chest. He let out a loud scream as it tore through his skin.


I screamed, leaping up out of my sleep, feeling what was clearly sheets of a mattress underneath me. The spot where I had been laying was now drenched in sweat. How embarrassing. I removed the big comforter that had been laid over me and sat up, rubbing my face with my hands.

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