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It's been two months since I have in the safe with uncle Marcus. It's also means that it's been  two months, since I seen or heard from my mother and grandmother. I don't know if they got away or Chadrick killed them for getting in his way. All I know is that I miss them very much . The two months have consisted of the same thing everyday , studying my spell book and being trapped on the property. The safe house is located somewhere in the mountains. Which country you may ask well uncle Marcus won't tell me that one . The trapped thing is that uncle Marcus cloaked the property with a spell , so the outside world can't see the property. That's  also unfortunately means that I'm stuck inside of the cloak spell as well. I mean uncle Marcus could take me out of the property because he's the spell castor. Though he say its not safe enough and leaves me behind when he runs into near by town to get groceries .

Don't get me wrong the property is big and beautiful. The property is 10 acres big with lots of tree surrounding the house , theres a large pond that I can swim ( which I do everyday when I'm not studying) . Uncle Marcus has two horses that we ride around the property as well. They are two red paint horses named smoke fire and fox tail. The house on the property is a four bedrooms , three baths modern house.

I 'm in the living room when I hear electric zapping. I look outside to see uncle Marcus coming through the cloak in his truck. I get up  off of the couch and head outside to help bring in the groceries. " Hey uncle Marcus do you need help bring the groceries inside? I ask as make it to his truck . Uncle Marcus  leaps out of his truck " It's all good Cressida, it's a small load today. Though I do got something for you and I think you'll like it." uncle Marcus says leaning back into the truck on the drive side. It doesn't  take him long before he finds what he is looking for. He hands me a brown  bag " go on open it".'  I open the bag,  inside  the bag is crystals and purple book about crystals. There had to be twenty different crystals in the bag. " I had a look in your spell book,  seen your grandmother and mother didn't teach you much about crystals" Marcus explains with a big smile on his face.

I thank uncle Marcus taking the bag inside, I head up in my room. Once in my room I set the crystals down on my writing desk. Rosemary is laying down on my bed like always, sleeping the day away with not care in the world. I wish I could have no care in the word vibe. I look down at the swirl mark on my arm, where that asshole of a warlock left it on my 21 birthday two months ago. Apparently it's a tracking rune, if I use magic he could track me down through the rune.
So these last few months haven't been fun because I can't use my powers. I'm a witch that can't use her powers. I sit down at the desk and pull out the book of crystals, flipping  through the pages and start reading about crystal's .
                                Time jump
I hear a knock at the door that makes me jump in my seat. I turn towards the door,  to see uncle Marcus standing there wearing an apron and oven mitts. " I made homemade pizza for dinner!He explained his outfit to me. " what kind of pizza?" I ask hoping that is not a lame topping.
" It's Pepperoni and jalapeño your favourite" He said in excited voice . He heads down stairs and I follow into the kitchen. There on the table was an extra large pizza , uncle Marcus must of just took it off of the oven because I could still see steam coming off of it. It smelled incredible and looked incredible, that made my mouth water just by looking  at the pizza. " Cressida can you please grab some plates from cabinet please" uncle Marcus says cutting the pizza into 12 pieces .  I do as uncle Marcus ask and grab two plates from the cabinet.
We sit down at the table and start eating pizza , when I got the feeling of asking questions. " Uncle Marcus can you please tell me about the Oracle Realm?" I ask nervously not sure if he was willing to share details with me.  He stops mid bit of his pizza and puts his piece of pizza back onto the plate " Are you sure Cressida that you are ready to hear about Oracle?". " Yes I'm ready to hear about Oracle" I replied take a bit of pizza and feeling the beautiful burning of the jalapeño peppers. " Where do I begin ? there's so much to tell!" He say with excitement and I could see pure joy in his face. " who about tell me your favourite things" I suggest while leaning back against my chair .

" Well I will say that Oracle and Earth environment is very much like each other, though Oracle is 100x more beautiful and Magical. The  is all sorts of Terrain that make up Oracle. Oracle has the most vibrant plant life, the Flowers literally shine with colour. There all sorts of species in the Oracle realm unicorns,squiffles, goblins, shape shifters, mages, warlocks, witches, mermaids, Sirens,Giants, non mages, fairies, elves and that only to name a few. The Oracle realm has 7 moons in  it , which they are believed to give the Oracle realm its magic. That's why every  year we celebrate the 7 moons for 7 weeks , one week for which moon. Then there is a ball on the last day of the celebrations , where all the different beings get to get there and dance". He says with so much fondness. I wanted to ask how the mermaids and sirens danced but I chose not to. " I hope one day before I die, that I get the chance  to go back home in Oracle realm " he says very quietly. 

I suddenly fell sad knowing that uncle Marcus is in the human realm and on planet earth because of me . " Oh I'm so sorry uncle Marcus, it wasn't for me you would still in Oracle" I let out a sad sigh.  Uncle Marcus gets up from his chair and comes over to me pulls me into hug " You listen to me Cressida this is not your fault".

Thank you for ready!

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