3.-Betrayal never comes from a stranger

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I don't know if it was due to a God or divine intervention, but in that fight, I met both objectives: Cry and Kill.

When I realized the situation it was too late, my body was already being dominated by hatred and adrenaline, but there was someone who was being a worse slave than me, a prisoner of the same feelings, I could tell with that scream:

- Ahhh! - Vitros screamed with great desperation

'I wouldn't want to be the reason for his anger', I thought.My anger was great, but his was as if all that hatred he had contained had been released and was now part of his body, boy did I see it, in that scene I felt a little scared as well as angry, we were surrounded by 5 Goblins, those green dwarves, those damned ones, but they weren't alone, they were accompanied by three pretty wolves.

My rage ceased when I watched, filled with anger, as Vitros split one of those dwarves in half...

It wasn't the first time I had watched a murder, but it was the first time I had been an accomplice to one.

But while I focused my gaze on the ex-soldier, to my right, the martial arts master, Kaladin, showed off his pride, his big fist... which, unfortunately, turned out not to be so big, because in the exchange of blows he had against one of those green demons, it was not precisely my friend who was winning...

Theren, on the other hand, did not waste time, he did hit his attacks, he was very... bloodthirsty from my point of view, but that was good, since in his fight against another goblin he came out as the winner.

On the other hand, I used my rapier, as I had never done before, it was the first time I was in a life or death situation, unfortunately, the goblin I was facing was more skilled than me... I suffered a cut in the first exchange.

But let's go with young Jaime, who had witnessed the ambush, he could do

 nothing but follow the basic instincts of the human being, falling unconscious, I did not know if it was little Nuxtar or the gnome, but one of them (maybe both) dragged him to the cart, when I wanted to take a look, the three of them were hidden... but together, it was tender.

The damn cleric, you know, the one I hated so much, was winning a one-on-one fight against a goblin, using... a staff, which I believed was only used to preach the word of his God and wow... what a violent sermon that was, the goblin in front of him couldn't do anything.

The surprising thing was that all this happened in just the first 10 seconds of combat, there was already one casualty and several of us were wounded.

- Help! - I screamed in desperation.—Vitros quickly approached, relieving me in the fight against the goblin—Vitros' new fight ended with him at the head, however, this time he did not come out immune, he received a cut from that bastard, on one of my sides Kaladin had just received the second stab, giving an almost perfect victory to his little enemy, the Cleric's fight had ended, with him as the winner, although the wolves were beginning to approach, I, who had no use in the offensive, decided to use the only gift I was born with, I approached Kaladin, who was no more than 5 feet from my side, I brought my hand closer and healed him... even if just a little.

That gave him enough breath to get back in his fight, Vitros and the cleric had also won, but the wolves were approaching... in their fangs we saw reflected the hunger they possessed, which was quite significant.

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