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The morning sun kissed my face as I sat at the breakfast table outside with Zio Hades and Zio Marcus. The light breeze carried the scent of fresh grass and distant horses, creating a calming atmosphere that almost helped me forget the weight pressing on my shoulders. Almost.

"Freya," Zio Hades said gently, his sharp eyes taking in my face, "you look tired. Did you not sleep well?"

I instinctively touched beneath my eyes, knowing the dark circles must be visible. I forced a small smile, trying to brush off his concern. "It's just the injury, Zio. It made it hard to get comfortable, that's all. I'll be fine."

Zio Marcus didn't seem convinced. His brow furrowed as he glanced from me to Hades, who exchanged a brief, knowing look with him. I could tell they weren't buying my excuse, but they let it slide for now.

The breakfast spread before us was simple but luxurious—fresh fruits, pastries, and strong coffee. As I reached for a piece of toast, my gaze wandered beyond the table, toward the wide, open expanse where the horses were grazing. The morning dew still clung to the grass, and in the distance, I could see Marco tending to one of the horses. His movements were precise, almost soothing to watch, as he carefully ran his hands along the horse's mane, checking for anything amiss.

For a moment, I couldn't look away. There was something about the way he handled the horses, a gentleness I hadn't expected from someone so... hard. It was a stark contrast to the man I argued with last night.

"You look refreshing in that white dress, cara," Zio Hades' voice pulled me from my thoughts. He smiled warmly at me, his compliment as smooth as ever. "It suits you."

"Thank you, Zio," I replied, smoothing the fabric with my fingers. The dress was light and airy, something I had picked out to feel comfortable in, but now it felt like a mask. As if wearing something so pure could make me seem put together when I felt anything but.

I sipped my coffee, hoping the warmth would chase away the exhaustion creeping in. Despite the sun's gentle rays and the peaceful scene before me, I couldn't shake the unease that had settled in my chest. Sharing a room with Marco had been more difficult than I expected, and even though he kept his distance, it had been impossible to truly relax.

Zio Marcus followed my gaze toward the horses. "You should join Marco out there," he suggested. "It might help take your mind off things."

I smiled faintly but shook my head. "Maybe later," I lied. In truth, the last thing I wanted was to be near Marco after everything. Not yet.

For now, I just wanted to survive this breakfast without giving too much of myself away.

Zio Marcus leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing slightly as he observed me. "So," he began casually, though his words held a deeper weight, "how did the meeting go with Mr. Durviaccino?"

I stiffened at the mention of the meeting. The weight of what had happened, the offer that had been laid out before me, still lingered in my mind like a heavy fog. I set down my coffee cup, suddenly finding it difficult to meet his gaze.

"It... went well, I suppose," I said, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "Mr. Durviaccino presented the properties and the will... but I didn't sign anything yet."

Zio Marcus nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "That's understandable," he said gently, surprising me with his understanding tone. "It's a lot to take in, and it's only right that you take your time to make the decision. No one expects you to rush into something so significant."

His words gave me a small sense of relief, but only briefly. Because then he added, "However, Domenico already knows you're with us. It's only a matter of time before he tries to do something about it."

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