Chapter 14

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"Ohhhhh huuuuuumans~ Come out and plaaaaaaaayyyy~"

The sinisterly-sweet voice of Abigail echoed through the woods of Aoiyama as the witch slowly stalked her prey. She had a fairly decent bead on their location already, thanks to copious amounts of primal fear the two were giving off, but the sadist in her wanted to see how long she could make them squirm before finishing the job. Even if she was not allowed to kill the girl, the lawman was more than fair game for whatever twisted plans Abigail could think up.
Standing behind one of two trees on either side of a small clearing, Melody looked over at Millar with genuine terror in her eyes. The pair had been chased into this forest by the teal-hued dark magical girl, who was even now using her magic to blast trees out of the ground and into the sky, as if gravity had been reversed. Not a single one had landed yet, and the young author was beginning to doubt they ever would. To say she was out of her depth and overwhelmed was an understatement, and she wanted to scream so badly but knew the moment she did it would all be over. If only someone could come to her rescue, Iris maybe!! Her Dragon girlfriend could beat this chick no problem right..?
As for Agent Millar, though he was almost terrified beyond thinking, he was also finding himself to be rather excited by everything that was happening. This... witch, or whatever she was, was using what had to be real magic before his very eyes! True, she was using it to hunt him down and kill both himself and that other girl, but still!! Magic!! It was that excitement that caught Abigail's attention, as it was not an emotion she usually detected in her presence. Not when she was like this at any rate. She turned to face the tree that Millar was hidden behind and began strolling towards him with a frightening smile on her lips.

"I have to say, this is a new one~" she purred seductively, "Normally when I'm trying to kill someone, they're afraid of me, and understandably so, but you... you're more enraptured than you are afraid, aren't you little man?"

With a minor application of telekinesis Abigail ripped the tree out by the roots and tossed it aside. Millar, who had been leaning against it, was sent tumbling forward by the sudden lack of tree. Before he could get back on his feet, Abigail seized him by the neck and lifted the agent above her head.

"Get a good look while you're still able, human," she grinned, using her free hand to suggestively cup her chest, "Mine will be the last face you'll ever see after all~"

"Agent Millar!!" Screamed Melody, immediately covering her mouth upon realizing what she had done. Too little too late however, she had caught Abigail's attention, who dropped Millar and began sauntering over towards her.

"He's just a fun lil plaything, but you're the one I'm really after," she said, grinning, "You got something my boss wants, so guess what cutie? You get to live, at least for now. Isn't that great~?"

Whether out of fear or stubbornness, Melody chose to keep her mouth shut and not give Abigail the satisfaction of a response. Before the witch could reach out and grab her prize however, a hand of pure ice emerged from the ground and gripped her by the arm causing frostbite to creep up and down the limb for a moment before Abigail could snatch it back. Following the hand as it continued to rise was none other than Hyoka, already in full Magical Girl mode, a sour expression on her face.

"You guys, run! I'll hold her back!!" Ordered Hyoka firmly before turning to face Abigail, "I owe her some pain anyway."

"You must have me confused with someone else, Ice Queen," sneered Abigail, watching Millar and Melody run off deeper into the woods, "Unless maybe you were friends with that Werewolf I snuffed back in Salem?"

"Can't say I was, but he seemed nice enough... no, but does September 24th last year sound familiar at all? That was the day your little cultists ruined my wedding. I still have some pent up anger over that."

Chrono X Angel, Book 8: The Sands of TimeWhere stories live. Discover now