Chapter 4: New Beginnings

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The quiet hum of Konoha's morning filtered through the thin walls of the inn. Sunlight peeked through the small window, casting a warm glow over the room. Sakura sat at the table, staring into a half-empty cup of tea. Her thoughts wandered between the bittersweet reality of her divorce and the uncertain future awaiting her and Sarada.

Sarada was still asleep, nestled comfortably in the sheets. Her innocent face was the one thing keeping Sakura grounded in this storm of emotions.

A soft knock on the door broke Sakura's trance. She wiped her tired eyes and got up to answer it, half-expecting it to be an innkeeper. But as soon as she opened the door, she was met with the familiar face of her old friend.


Her lavender eyes were rimmed with redness, evidence of the tears she had shed through the night. Her expression was a mix of sorrow and confusion, like someone trying to navigate through a life they no longer recognized.

Sakura: (softly) "Hinata..."

Before either could exchange another word, Hinata broke down, collapsing into Sakura's arms. Her sobs were muffled against Sakura's shoulder, but her pain was palpable. Sakura held her tightly, knowing all too well the depth of heartbreak her friend was feeling.

Hinata: (through her sobs) "Sakura... I... I don't know what to do. I loved him—Naruto—so much. How... How could I have not seen it?"

Sakura stroked Hinata's hair gently, trying to soothe her friend as best as she could. "I don't think anyone could've seen it, Hinata. You loved him with everything you had. You didn't do anything wrong."

Hinata pulled away slightly, her face streaked with tears, but her eyes filled with confusion. "But now... everything's changed. He doesn't love me the way I love him. And now I have to let him go." She paused, her voice trembling. "He's... gay. And I can't fix this, can I?"

Sakura felt her own heart squeeze painfully at Hinata's words. There was no easy way to console her friend. This wasn't a problem that could be fixed with time or effort—it was something fundamental, something neither of them had any control over.

Sakura: (gently) "No, Hinata, you can't. But that doesn't mean your love wasn't real. And it doesn't make it any less important. But now, you need to focus on you and Boruto. You'll find your own path, just like I'm trying to find mine."

Hinata wiped her eyes, her breathing still uneven. "It just hurts so much, Sakura. I thought we would always be a family. Boruto looks up to him so much... How do I even explain this to him?"

Sakura squeezed her hand. "You take it one day at a time. You'll know when the time is right to tell Boruto. And he'll still have Naruto in his life, even if things are different now."

Hinata nodded slowly, though the weight of her sorrow was still heavy. They sat together in silence, their shared pain an unspoken bond between them.

The soft sound of footsteps approaching broke the quiet. Sakura turned, her eyes widening as Itachi Uchiha entered the small room. His presence was calm, his face unreadable, though his eyes seemed to carry the weight of understanding.

Sarada, who had woken up during the quiet conversation, stared at Itachi with wide, confused eyes. Still half-asleep, she mumbled, "Papa...?"

The word echoed in the room like a sudden jolt of reality. Sakura's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Itachi, knowing exactly why Sarada had made the mistake.

Itachi's face softened slightly, though he remained composed. He knelt down to Sarada's level, his voice gentle. "No, Sarada. I'm not your papa. I'm your uncle, Itachi."

Sarada blinked, rubbing her eyes before looking between her mother and Itachi. "Uncle Itachi...?"

Sakura nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Yes, sweetie. This is your uncle Itachi. He came to check on us."

Itachi stood back up, turning his gaze toward Sakura. "I heard about what happened. Both of you..." He glanced at Hinata, acknowledging her presence with a slight nod. "It's not easy. But if you need a place to stay, my mansion has plenty of space for you and your children. You don't need to struggle alone."

Hinata and Sakura exchanged surprised glances. It was a generous offer—more than either of them had expected. Itachi wasn't known for opening his doors to others, but there was a sincerity in his tone that neither of them could ignore.

Sakura: (surprised) "Itachi... are you sure? That's... a lot to ask of you."

Itachi's gaze remained steady. "You're not asking. I'm offering. There's no reason for either of you to go through this alone. It's safer for both of you and your children to stay somewhere secure."

Hinata wiped her face, still clearly overwhelmed. **"I... I don't know. I don't want to be a burden, Itachi."

Itachi's tone was calm, reassuring. "You wouldn't be. Consider it a favor between old comrades. Besides..." He glanced at Sarada, who was watching him with curious eyes. "It would be good for the children to be around each other."

Sakura hesitated for a moment, but she knew Itachi was right. She didn't want to impose, but staying in the inn long-term wasn't a solution. And despite everything that had happened, Itachi was offering them a sanctuary.

Sakura: (softly) "Thank you, Itachi. We'll come."

Hinata looked down, her fingers playing nervously with the hem of her shirt. "I... I'll come too. It'll be good for Boruto to be with Sarada. And maybe... maybe being around others will help me figure things out."

Sakura smiled at her friend, feeling a small flicker of hope. They would face this together.


The sun was setting by the time they arrived at Itachi's mansion. The large estate loomed in front of them, a symbol of the Uchiha clan's legacy. It was quiet, serene, but there was a certain warmth that Sakura hadn't expected.

Itachi led them through the entrance, his movements deliberate and calm. **"You can take any of the rooms on the west wing. There's more than enough space for all of you."

Sakura and Hinata exchanged glances, their hearts still heavy but lightened by the knowledge that they weren't alone.

Hinata: (softly) "Thank you, Itachi."

He nodded once, his expression unreadable but kind. "You're both welcome here. Take your time to settle in."

As Sakura walked down the hallway, Sarada's hand in hers, she felt a small spark of hope for the first time in days. It wasn't going to be easy, but she wasn't walking this path alone anymore.

And as she looked ahead at Itachi's retreating figure, she couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, new beginnings were waiting for them all.

End of Chapter 4.

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