The Dragons Story.

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Hey everyone. This is all of the Mind connection things.

Normal speech

Sirius' POV:

I closed my eyes to be killed once again by this frustrating dragon, when, I felt nothing. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that low growls and roars were coming out of the dragons mouth. It seemed to have completely forgotten about me. I took this chance and stumbled backwards, tripped down and falling on my bottom. I silently cursed. Great. Just great. Then I heard James' voice again.
"Now this might seem crazy..." He started.
"As if I haven't seen crazy. I was in Askaban for 12 whole years!"I said to James, expecting him to be in shock, or something. He wasn't.
"This is... A different kind of crazy." James sort of, not really explained.
"Yeah, cause I understand that completely." I scoffed.
"Never mind.The point is that, we aren't the only people who have this special connection." He said.
"Like twins?" I said. It was true. We were like twins who were separated at birth. "Kind of like that." He said. The dragon who is there with you..."
"They're being bloody annoying." I interrupted him. He mentally chuckled.
"Anyway, there are these people , who are half human and half dragon. They live in the World of the Dead, that is the afterlife, but originally came from Earth. Their best friends are dragons. They have this power with anyone, but it's strongest between their best friend and them. I made friends with one of them, and the dragon who you are with, just so happens to be her best friend. They had nearly won the war when my friend, whose name is Prothesized, made a mistake. She went after the leader of the enemy, and the last remaining one, instead of going to save her best friend Ellie. The Leader of the Enemy could perform magic, well sort of. It isn't really like the magic that we are used to. She created a portal right where Ellie was. Ellie tried to hold on, while Prothesized was racing after her, and screaming her name. But before she got there, Ellie couldn't hold on any longer. She let go. Prothesized swore that as she did that, she smiled. Only slightly, but still. Afterwards, Prothesized couldn't control her anger. It was all just let out in an uncontrolled burst of light that killed everything that it touched. However, it weakened her. She fell to the ground, and died. She didn't find Ellie, so she was wondering where she was. If there was a way for her to come back." James explained.
I was in shock. This was way too much to take in.
"Padfoot? You ok? Told you you'd be shocked." James joked.
"I'd say that shocked is an understatement. More like utterly perplexed and confused." I replied jokingly.
"Bet that it's a lot to take in, eh." James said lightly.
"Yeah." I said.

I don't know what to put after this, so Prothesized's POV:

I was so happy to finally be able to talk with my best friend, my everything, again. It feels like it has been an eternity. Well, it technically has, but whatever.
"Hey, Ellie?" I asked my best friend.
"Yeah, Proth?" She answered.
"Two things. One, what happened to you since you got there, and two, can you not attack the human please?" I said.
"Fine, I won't attack the 'human'. Why though? Is he a friend of yours or something?" She asked in confusion.
"Eeh, something like that, yeah. More like the best friend of a friend." I said.
"Oh, ok. Sorry to your friend for attacking his best friend. I know that I wouldn't be very happy if someone attacked you. And to summarise what happened, I found your brother's best friend and SIR ROBINSON THE GREATS BEST FRIEND!!! Unfortunately, Ender died in a war. It made both me and Michael, that's the name of Nib's best friend, to put it simply, not happy. Then there was another war and after that, we decided to split up. The reason I attacked, was because the human looked like the people that attacked us in our new home." She explained, nearly too quick for me to hear.          
"Wow. That's quite a crazy story. Do you have any ideas on how to get out?" I asked.
"Sort of... I think?"Ellie said.
What do you mean by that? Isn't it just a yes or a no? I asked confused.
"Well,if my company just so happens to have something called a saddle then there's a possibility that we can get back home." She snorted.
I'll ask! Where should he look? I asked.
He should have a pocket with everything that he needs in it. She replied happily.
Alright, thanks. I said, closing down the connection and turning to James.
James? I asked, catching the attention of my friend.
Yeah, Wings? He replied.
Ellie said that she thinks there's only one way to get out. But it requires a saddle. Maybe, because Ellie has all of this cool stuff in her pocket, dragons don't usually have them, Sirius might have one in his! I explained.
That's amazing news! Thanks for telling me! Sirius will definitely know! James said, like a little child.
Alright. I replied.

Sirius' POV:

After a couple of hours of just sitting in silence, James suddenly came back into my head again.
Hey, Padfoot. Guess what? He asked.
What is it, Prongs? I asked, hoping he had found a way to get me out. Maybe the dragon,oh, what was her name... Ellie. As well!
I found out a way to get both of you out! Or rather, Ellie found a way... I'm just passing the information onto you! He replied excitedly.
Really? What about you, though? I asked, confused.
My company can get the three of us out... I didn't try it before because there would be too much of a commotion... Sorry... He apologised. Oh...
Hey... It's alright. Maybe you could come back with me? I asked hopefully.
Yeah! We could prank Moony! He's still in the room! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees us again! He thinks that you are dead. He replied. Wait... Hadn't a few days passed already?
Hasn't a few days passed already? I said my previous thought aloud.
Time probably pass's differently where you are! For me, it's the same. Except instead of a few days being a few minutes, a few minutes are a few days. He explained.
So... How do we get out exactly? I asked.
Oh right... Well, first, look in your pocket. You should have one. He started to explain.
Alright... I said, looking for, and finding, a pocket.
Next. Look for a saddle. He said.
A... What do you mean by a saddle?! How is that supposed to help us? I asked, confused.
Just... Do. I don't completely understand myself, but whatever. He explained, not really.
Alright... I said, looking in the pocket, and realising that it was infinite. The first thing that I found was a saddle...

Alright! That's that chapter over and done with! There is one thousand two hundred and fourteen words. Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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