Chapter-12: Pizza Time

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We turn our perspectives to the protagonists of this story(finally also sorry to a certain jolteon), Jose and Alisa, who were just outside the door to Jose's house, carrying huge loads of various groceries, bags of fast food and a beanie. Jose knocked on the door, and a very ecstatic Alan opened it although Jose had expected it to be his mom to open it for them.

"Oooh, hurry in quick!" he excitedly rambled, jumping up and down up and down on the spot.

Jose and Alisa entered the house as Alan shut the door behind them and ran into the lounge. Both teenage Pokemon were confused as to where Clair was, but nevertheless, they too went into the lounge to find out what Alan found so enticing on the television. On the couch, they found not only Alan, but also Jose's mother as well, with both of their eyes glued to the screen.

"Uhh... Mom?"

"Shh honey, it's getting interesting!" she replied, giving "Spider-Mon" her undivided attention. From his side, Jose began to hear slight giggles, before those giggles evolved into laughter. Jose began to fluster at the sight of his mom, a grown Pokemon and the same one that brought him into this world gawking at a cartoon show made for kids.

Well lemme not lie; there's some pretty good stuff on there.

You're really not helping the situation.

When the episode concluded and the credits rolled down the screen, Clair finally turned to the pair of Pokemon stood near the doorway.

"Now that's over, how was your trip you two?" she pumped very curiously, as if she wasn't just too busy watching a kids' show.

"It was great Ms. Breon! I bought this new beanie, as well as get something for my little bro here." She answered as she put Cody's food on the table.

"Oh boy! Happiny Meal!" he exclaimed with all happiness. "I hope I get a really good toy this time!"



Have a heart Jose *Sniffle* This... Is truly a spectacle.

After ferociously mowing down his food, Alan ripped open the plastic that separated him from his new toy. "Oh boy, an action figure!"

It was conveniently a small scale model of a Jolteon, clad in a purple karate gi.

"Thanks a bunch guys!" he said loudly. You could really see the appreciation in his eyes, enough to make you shed a tear... Or a couple thousand.

"Anyways," Alisa mumbled, turning back to the mother of the house. "We really ought to be going now Ms. Breon."

"Oh, what a shame, but please, have a safe trip home, and say hello to your mother for me okay? It'll be absolutely delightful to meet her!" declared Clair, as if they were her own.

"Yeah, no problem, Ms. Breon, maybe we could have her visit sometime this weekend!"

"That'll be great!" squealed Clair.

"Okay, see you tomorrow Jose!"

"Yeah, see ya later Joey!" saluted the younger brother to Alisa with a smile. Sure he couldn't pronounce his name right, and now that Jose had repeated it a couple times, it really started to sound like 'Joey'. However, it's the fact that he tried, that's all.

"S-see you guys tomorrow!" bidded Jose, closing the door. As soon as the door was shut, Clair left the room to go upstairs.

"I'm going to take a shower Jose, because I'm going out. I'll be back tomorrow, so feel free to order some pizza with the money on the table." she said, trotting up the staircase. It was quite usual for his mom to go out, but this late?

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