Chapter-15: Friend or Foe

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Jose's eyes slowly opened, fatigue coursing through his veins. He tried to get up, but felt a restraint holding him in place. He craned his neck to his right, and saw the adorable Glaceon, clutching him in her thin yet surprisingly strong forelegs. He tried to steadily lift himself from Alisa using the armchair, but that only made her snuggle up to him even more, wrapping him in a tighter hug.

Suddenly, he heard thumping from the stairs, a  matted fur Flareon sluggishly making his way down the stairs. He walked to the lounge and opened the door, finding his sister embracing Jose in a bone-crushing hug.

"Ha ha! I see you're in quite the predicament here, eh Jose?" laughed Cooper, leaning on the doorframe.

Jose blushed as he tried with all his might, but to no avail.

"Uhh, c-can you help me?" he shyly asked.

"Yeah, don't worry, my sis is a real heavy sleeper." excused the Sluggish Flareon, as he grabbed Jose by his paws and proceeded to try and yank him out from his sister's iron grasp.

"One, two and-" With one heck of a mighty pull, he launched Jose out from Alisa's paws and onto another couch adjacent to the one they were sleeping on.

"Phew, thanks." said Jose, appreciative of the fact that Cooper got him out before Alisa could cut off his blood circulation.

"Hey, no problem buddy, anything for my little sister's boyfriend!" he joked, as he left the room into the kitchen.


From then on, Jose was by himself in the room except for the sleeping Glaceon. He was considering leaving early to go home, but it would be pretty impolite to leave without even uttering a word to Alisa. He may as well just silently watch some television while he waited. Switching on the TV, Jose flashed through random programs hoping for one to catch his attention.

"And it's a 3-pointer for the Slateport Rangers!" Nah, I don't like basketball.

"Pokemart food. What's up with that?" I don't even know how that's funny.

"And now for a brief commercial break." Ugh, does anyone actually buy anything on teleshopping?

Jose began to get frustrated as he changed the channel.

Isn't anything interesting on!?

Jose changed the channel, and saw the not-so pleasant sight of an Vaporeon and a Luxray expressing their love in the form of a furious kiss.

"Wha, what!?" he rambled, tripping over his own words due this embarrassing and very unexpected event. In a fit to switch the channel, he dropped the remote with a loud thud. Jose desperately scrambled to pick up the remote, but he wasn't fast enough, as a sleeping Glaceon arose from her dreams. (So much for being a heavy sleeper :/ )

"*YAWWWN* Ah, good morning Jose!" happily said Alisa, thankfully not noticing the very awkward display of affection on the TV screen.

"Uhh..." was all he could get out as his fingers? punched in a completely random sequence of 3 numbers on the remote. In the hope that it had turned into something a little more child-friendly, he looked at the TV screen. However, it seemed that it was the exact same channel.

"UHHH..." stammered the embarrassed Jolteon, his face as red as a Cheri berry.

What were the chances?! HAHAHA!

Alisa looked at the TV, and blushed as well.

"Well... I guess Mom forgot to change the channel after her last soap opera, eh?" Alisa chuckled.

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