Iron Man 2 (2010)

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A wide shot of Stark Tower against the backdrop of a bright New York City morning. The camera zooms into the windows, cutting into Tony Stark's high-tech world.

TONY STARK is at his penthouse desk, but this isn't any ordinary office. Holograms, high-tech gadgets, and the unmistakable Iron Man gauntlet are scattered around. JARVIS hums softly in the background, managing everything.

Tony, dressed in casual luxury, clicks through schematics for a new Iron Man suit while absently tapping his foot to music. He looks every bit the multi-tasking genius he is—half-focused on the job, half-enjoying his own brilliance.

Good morning, sir. You have 12 voicemails. Four from Miss Potts, three from the military, and five from the board of Stark Industries. Should I prioritize one for you?

Tony, barely looking up from the floating display of his armor schematics, takes a lazy sip of his smoothie.

(mock serious) 
Miss Potts first. Let's keep my chances of survival high.

Just as he says this, PEPPER POTTS enters the room, iPad in hand, looking as exasperated as ever.

You know, I was going to start with a polite "good morning," but then I remembered... you're impossible.

Tony turns his chair to face her, flashing his trademark grin.

Impossible is what got me here, Pep. Don't knock it.

Pepper, unfazed, glances at the chaotic display of holographic Iron Man suits, blueprints, and Tony's casual attire.

Good, because "impossible" is the only word that's going to explain how you're going to make it to the board meeting in..._ 
(glances at her iPad) 
Ten minutes.

Tony lifts his smoothie as if it's a toast.

See, I told you to push it to 10:15. That's when I really shine.

Pepper rolls her eyes, walking further into the room, ignoring his humor. She points to the mess of holograms.

This? This is what you've been doing instead of getting ready for the investors?

She waves a hand through the floating image of the Iron Man suit, her patience clearly running thin. Tony flicks his gauntlet, sending the blueprints sliding off-screen as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

What, this? No big deal. Just the future of world peace, but sure, let's talk about PowerPoint presentations instead.

Pepper sighs. Tony's dodging the point, as usual.

Iron Man isn't the one paying these people's bills. Stark Industries is. And you—Tony Stark, CEO—need to impress them.

Tony leans back in his chair, folding his arms behind his head. His expression turns mock-serious.

You know, technically, I could just fire myself. Call it "downsizing."

Pepper shoots him a sharp look.

Funny. Now go put on a suit. An actual suit. Not the metal one.



Tony walks confidently down the gleaming hallways of Stark Industries, his signature swagger on full display. His tie is undone, and he's fiddling with his cufflinks, clearly more interested in anything but the upcoming meeting.

Iron Man 2 (Dominij004/Painless14 MCU Film)Where stories live. Discover now