Chapter 7 - The Silence meant something

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"Hey, I'll grab the snacks, and you can get the drinks," Jessie said with a playful smile as we strolled into the brightly lit grocery store. We moved quickly down the aisles, tossing bags of chips, candy, soda, and more into our cart like we were planning a full-on feast. It felt like an adventure, like we were partners in some wild, spontaneous night. When we reached the checkout, we both insisted on splitting the bill, a small gesture that made things feel oddly balanced, yet thrilling.

Back in the taxi, surrounded by the noise of the city, we finally arrived at her apartment building. My eyes widened as I looked up, this place was massive. Over 100 floors, and she lived on the 87th? As the elevator climbed, my nerves did too, each ding bringing us closer to her floor. When it stopped, Jessie stepped out confidently.

"We're here," she said, leading the way to her door. With a quick tap of her fingers, she entered a pin code, and the door swung open. "Come on in," she added with a wink.

The moment we stepped inside, the scent of strawberries hit me like a wave. It was intoxicating and oddly comforting at the same time. I couldn't help but marvel at the place, everything about it screamed luxury. I was still processing how someone my age could afford to live in such an expensive complex. My phone buzzed in my pocket, snapping me out of the daze.

Nine missed calls from Elise. My heart sank. I had totally forgotten about the shopping plans we had. With a quick, guilty text, I tried to smooth things over: "Hey, really sorry I missed tonight. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, promise." I hit send, hoping it would buy me some time.

"Make yourself at home," Jessie's voice broke through my thoughts. "The bathroom's upstairs if you want to freshen up."

I nodded, but something tugged at my mind. "Actually, I didn't bring any clothes with me... you know, for the night."

Jessie just laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Don't worry about that," she said, disappearing into her room for a moment. When she came back, she was holding a few pieces of clothing. "These should do the trick. They're oversized, but unisex. Totally fine for you to wear," she added, covering her mouth with a giggle.

I took the clothes from her, feeling a mix of excitement and awkwardness. Spending the night at Jessie's place wasn't exactly on my radar, but here we were, and the night was just beginning.


So, after freshening up in the bathroom, I couldn't help but marvel at how luxurious everything felt sleek, spotless, and gleaming. It was the complete opposite of Elise's place, with its clutter and faded charm. I slipped on the oversized t-shirt Jessie gave me, and despite it being from her, it fit perfectly and felt incredibly soft against my skin. The pants were just as comfortable, and though I felt a bit awkward wearing clothes picked out by a girl, there was something strangely intimate about the whole experience.

When I went downstairs, Jessie was already lounging on the couch in her pajamas, looking even more striking without all the makeup. Her natural beauty shone through, her red hair still damp from a shower, gleaming under the soft lighting. Her hazel eyes locked onto mine, and for a second, I lost my breath.

"Your place is pretty big," I said, trying to break the tension. "Do you live with your family?"

She gave a small, wistful smile. "Family? No, they're never around." Her voice had a playful edge, but there was an unmistakable hint of sadness behind it. "They bought me this place because I didn't get into the college they wanted me to. Now they're off living somewhere else, leaving me here."

"That sounds... lonely," I replied, feeling a pang of sympathy.

"Yeah, it is," she said, her smile fading slightly. "But at least I've made some friends at school now."

She cracked open a drink, downing it with surprising ease. I noticed a slight glimmer in her eyes, the alcohol starting to work its way into her system. She glanced over at me, her eyes suddenly serious, intense.

"Zane..." she whispered, her voice soft but laced with something deeper, something electric. She leaned in closer, her breath brushing against my skin, sending chills down my spine. "I know you understand what it feels like to be lonely, right? You've always been that quiet, glassy-eyed nerd, the one who's always in the background... but it was you, wasn't it? You're the one who took that slap for me yesterday."

I froze. My heart pounded in my chest, louder and louder, as her words sank in. She knew. She had always known. But why bring it up now? Her hazel eyes searched mine, shimmering with curiosity, but also something more... something I couldn't quite read.

"How did you change so much, so fast?" she continued, her voice barely above a whisper now, as if the words were meant only for me. She inched even closer, so close that the scent of her skin—warm, sweet like strawberries—filled the air between us. "One night... just one night, and I can't stop thinking about you. I can't resist it anymore, Zane. I need to know you. I need to be with you."

Her confession hit me like a wave, knocking the breath out of me. The way she looked at me, the way her words hung in the air—it was overwhelming. I couldn't move, couldn't speak. And then, her hand gently found its way to my chest, her fingers tracing patterns on my shirt as if testing the boundaries, seeing if I would pull away.

"But with you," she whispered, her voice now dripping with emotion, "I feel safe."

That last word—safe—reverberated through me, unraveling whatever defenses I had left. My mind spun, my pulse quickened. She was so close now that I could feel the heat radiating off her skin, her lips just a breath away from mine. And before I could react, before I could even think, she closed the gap, pulling me into a kiss that was as unexpected as it was undeniable.

Everything in that moment felt like it was spiraling out of control, and yet... I didn't want it to stop. She smells strong with alcohol, but her soft lips were really addictive making me want to taste more of her.

"You know what it feels like to be lonely," I murmured against her lips, my breath mingling with hers, barely pulling away from the intensity of the moment. "And you still treated me like that."

All I heard in response was a soft moan, her lips pressing harder against mine, as if she was trying to drown out my words with each kiss. I couldn't stop. The feel of her soft lips against mine, the way her body responded, it was intoxicating.

"If you really felt that way..." I whispered again, pulling back just enough to see her face, flushed and breathless. Her hazel eyes, now filled with something raw and unguarded, met mine, and for a second, the room seemed to spin. Her hands gripped the back of my neck tighter, fingers tracing my skin as if she was afraid I'd slip away. She was sitting on my lap now, straddling me, drawing me back into another kiss, deeper this time, more desperate.

"Why did you act like that with me?" I breathed against her lips, my voice low, the words barely making it out between our tangled breaths. I needed to understand. But instead of an answer, another moan escaped her as she kissed me again, harder, like words weren't enough anymore.

Her silence said more than anything she could have spoken.

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