Chapter 5 - Feelings

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"Eli?" I asked, noticing her cheeks flush crimson. "You sure you're okay? You look like you've caught a fever."

"N-no, I'm fine," she stammered, shifting nervously. "It's just... a little cold."

Something was off, though. I reached out, brushing my hand lightly against her forehead to check for any warmth. Her skin was cool, perfectly normal—but then I saw it. Her hazel eyes locked onto mine, and in that moment, everything changed. My heart pounded so loudly, I could feel it in my ears.

"No, really," she mumbled again, clearly flustered, her gaze darting away for just a second. She was nervous—something I'd never seen in her before.

Wait... was it me? Was it because of how I looked now? Did I really pull off the makeover that well? My mind raced with possibilities. Maybe she was seeing me in a way she hadn't before. Was it the new me that had her so shaken? The thought thrilled and terrified me all at once.

But no. I couldn't go there. Elise was my best friend. If I crossed that line and screwed it up, I'd lose her forever. I needed to get out of here before my mind, already clouded by drinks, made me do something stupid.

"Uh, Eli?" I tapped her shoulder gently, breaking the tension that had grown between us. Her eyes were still wide, her face still glowing with that blush. "I think I should head home now."

"What? Now?" she asked, sounding confused but almost... relieved? "Oh, yeah. Yeah, you should."

I made my way to the door, but before leaving, I hugged her. Her arms wrapped around me, and I could feel her heart racing, as fast as mine. Time seemed to freeze. "Thanks, Eli," I said, my voice softer than usual. "You really made my day."

"It's nothing," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "We should go shopping soon. Yeah, let's do that."

I pulled back, smiling at her, a thousand emotions tangled in the moment. "Absolutely," I said, giving her a playful wink before stepping out into the night.

As I walked under the streetlights, my mind whirled. What had just happened? Would things between us ever be the same again?


The next morning, I stared at myself in the mirror, barely recognizing the person staring back. Elise's makeover had transformed me completely. My eyebrows were perfectly shaped, my hair styled just right, and my skin, despite a fresh wash, still felt silky smooth. I slipped on the contact lenses I had tucked away and pulled on the long-sleeved tee and pocket jeans Elise had given me. It felt like I was putting on a new persona—one I hoped would make a difference.

As I walked to school, my heart pounded with a mix of hope and anxiety. I was bracing myself for whatever the day might throw my way. When I reached school, everything seemed normal. I took my usual seat in class, unpacked my books, and prepared for the day ahead, expecting the same old routine.

But then, everything changed.

"Whoa, who is this?" A girl with short black hair and a flower-patterned dress stopped in her tracks and looked me up and down. Her blue eyes were wide with interest. "Are you a transfer student or something?"

Before I could even process her words, another girl, clearly her friend, joined in. "I don't think we've seen you before. Are you a senior?"

I was still trying to make sense of this when Jessie swooped in. Her eyes widened, and she practically beamed at me. "Wow, who are you?" She stood right in front of me, her tone full of admiration. "You're hot."

I was stunned. This was surreal. Just yesterday, Jessie had been anything but kind to me. Now, she and these other girls were treating me like I was someone important. I could hardly believe it when Jessie continued, "I'm pretty sure there's no one in our year who looks like you. When did you start?"

"Uh, 2022," I managed to stammer out, my mind racing.

Jessie's excitement grew. "Oh, I see. So, what's your name?"

"Zane Carter," I said, bracing myself.

Her face faltered for a moment. "Hmm, never heard of you," she said, her curiosity shifting to confusion.

I was hit with a wave of disbelief. How could she not remember me? Just last night, she had called me by name and even slapped me. The contrast between her treatment then and now was staggering. My heart pounded, and my hands trembled with a mix of anger and confusion. Was she playing some kind of twisted game, or had I somehow become a different person overnight?

"Anyway, it's nice to meet you," Jessie said with a bright smile, seemingly unfazed by my stunned expression. "Oh, by the way, what are you up to later tonight?"

I blinked in confusion. Was she actually asking me out on a date? This was all happening so fast. My mind raced, struggling to grasp the sudden shift in her attitude.

"Huh?" I managed to ask, trying to piece together what was happening.

Jessie turned to the other girls with an excited grin. "We should definitely take him out with us tonight."

The girl in the flower dress looked intrigued. "Tonight? You mean for drinks?"

"Yeah," Jessie replied with a mischievous wink. "Since we're all friends now, you're free, right?" she asked, her tone playful.

Caught off guard, I forced a smile, trying to mask the frustration brewing inside me. "Of course," I said, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions. I tried to keep my anger in check, but inside, I was seething. The contrast between her previous hostility and this sudden friendliness was hard to ignore.

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