Chapter 2: Knight Bus

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"Harry are you alright?" Aurora asked, as she walked outside to Harry, as she had pulled her friend along, they ran into her Uncle Elijah Mikealson he looked at the blood all over her clothes.

"I'm alri-." Harry said, but was interrupted by her uncle.

"Did you really have to kill someone? You are literally just 13." Elijah said.

"Yeah well, I had to. You didn't hear what she said....She was being a bully to my friend and I had to do something..." Aurora said, then looked at Elijah. "Can you sign this for Harry please."

"It says parent or guardian, meaning I can't." Elijah explained.

"But you can if his Aunt and Uncle die.. which is where you come in because you're a vampire so all you have to do compel Vernon to kill his wife then himself....besides they are so evil that I am convinced that they both deserve way worse than just death, besides I already know that they are going to go to hell because because of their own bad deeds..." Aurora said, Elijah and Harry looked at her worriedly,

"Fine I'll do it then adopt the boy okay." Elijah said sighing and fixed his suit and then told. "Harry, Aurora go to the Leaky Calderon and wait for me and I'll meet you there."

Harry and Aurora walked several streets away before he collapsed onto a low wall in Magnolia Crescent, panting from the effort of dragging his trunk. He sat quite still, anger still surging through him, listening to the frantic humping of his heart. But after ten minutes alone with Aurora in the dark street, a new emotion overtook him: panic. Whichever way he looked at it, he had never been in a worse fix. He was stranded with his best friend while her uncle was a vampire and is compelling his Uncle and Aunt to kill each other, quite alone, in the dark Muggle world, with absolutely nowhere to go, except for the Leaky Cauldron. And the worst of it was, they both had just done serious magic, which meant that they both was almost certainly expelled from Hogwarts. He had broken the Decree for the Restriction of Underage wizardry so badly, he was surprised Ministry of Magic representatives aren't swooping down on him where he sat. Harry shivered and looked up and down Magnolia Crescent. What, was going to happen to us? Would we be arrested, or would we simply be outlawed from the wizarding world? He thought of Ron and Hermione, and his heart sank even lower. Harry was sure that, criminal or not, Ron and Hermione would want to help them both now, but they were both abroad, and with Hedwig gone and Aurora's owl still at her place, he had no means of contacting them.Neither he nor, Aurora didn't have any Muggle money, either. There was a little wizard goldin the money bag at the bottom of his trunk for supplies shopping, but the rest of the fortune his parents had left him was stored in a vault at Gringotts Wizarding Bank in London. He'd never be able to drag his trunk all the way to London. Unless...

Harry and Aurora looked at looked down at his wand, which he was still clutching in his hand. He had the Invisibility Cloak he had inherited from his father -- what if he or Aurora would bewitch the trunk to make it feather-light, tied it to his broomstick, covered himself in the cloak,
and flew to the Leaky Calderon with Aurora? But, he knew he couldn't sit on this wall forever, or he'd find both himself and Aurora trying to explain to Muggle police why he and her were out in the dead of night with a trunkful of spellbooks and a broomstick. Harry opened his trunk again and pushed the contents aside, looking for the Invisibility Cloak - but before he had found it, he straightened up suddenly, looking around him once more. "Harry what are you doing? Elijah said the Leaky Calderon."

"I know..." A funny prickling on the back of his neck had made Harry feel he was being watched, but the street appeared to be deserted, and no lights shone from any of the large square houses. He bent over his trunk again, but almost immediately stood up once more, his hand clenched on his wand. He had sensed rather than heard it: someone or something was standing in the narrow gap between the garage and the fence behind him. Harry squinted at the black alleyway. If only it would move, then he'd know whether it was just a stray cat or --
something else. "Lumos," Harry muttered since his wand was out and her's was in her wand holster, and a light appeared at the end of his wand, almost dazzling him. He held it high over his head, and the
pebble-dashed walls of number two suddenly sparkled; the garage door
gleamed, and between them Harry saw, quite distinctly, the hulking outline of something very big, with wide, gleaming eyes. Harry stepped backward. His legs hit his trunk and he tripped. His wand
flew out of his hand as he flung out an arm to break his fall, and he would have landed, hard, in the gutter -- with a deafening BANG, if Aurora wasn't there and hadn't saved him from falling, but she accidentally let go when they saw a sudden blinding light --With a yell, he rolled back onto the pavement, just in time.

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