1 - Satan Jr's Return

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UPDATED 6-2-16

Did I really have to feel this way? Did I have to make me feel this way?

I knew I was done the minute that I seen his smiling face, hiding the evil that he hid under his perfect white teeth and deep dimples.

All the girls at school swoon over him.

All the boys wanted to be him.

Right now all I wanted to get away from him.

His perfect green eyes wouldn't fool me anymore. I had been fooled enough and I was NOT about to let that myself be made a fool of any longer.

"Stop acting this way! It was just a kiss!" He yelled and I turned around to face him.

"I think that was more than a kiss considering you were just fucking my sister and my 'best friend'? Why have I even stayed with you this long when all I get from you is heart break?" I yelled not even caring who would hear me, "why would I let you continue to lead me somewhere I don't wanna be?"

All he could do was look at me, shocked that I actually had found the guts to yell at him.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Carson.

Carson was the leading ass hole in school and I had started dating him because I thought he could actually like a loser like me. With his perfect hair and green eyes, he seemed like the one guy I had always wanted and never got. He was the golden boy and he actually seemed to like me.

Everyone said I was stupid to think he'd NOT like me. They said I should go for him. They said I actually had a shot. And I actually believed them.

But like every other thing in my life. I was wrong, it was wrong, and I had fucked up once again.

Now I looked at his disgusting face that I once found attractive. There was absolutely NOTHING that I found attractive about him now.
I breathed a deep breath.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE BEFORE I BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU WITH MY HEEL!" I yelled at him with all the power I could. He knew I wasn't messing around. He grabbed his pants and his shoes then scurried out the front door just in his boxers.

I looked into the room, which I found my so called best friend and my sister in under the blankets waiting for me to go off on them.

Let's fill you in a little bit here.
I had got home from my trip to Atlanta early and so I figured that I was surprise my dear sister who was going to pick me up from the airport the next day.

It turns out that when you try to surprise your loving family it gives you a rude ass awakening to what the hell is really going on.

I got home and opened the door to my sisters bedroom where low and behold sits my boyfriend fucking my sister while my best friend waits her turn.

It took them awhile before they realized that I was standing in the fucking door way ready to explode.

It didn't take them long to stop.
Then my blow up occurred and the ass ran out the door like a little bitch. Now I stand in the door way giving the two top notch bitches in my life a death stare.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I scream to the bitch named Bethany that I had called my best friend.

She hurried out with her clothes in nothing but a thong. Not that really cared how she looked when she walked out the door.

Then came the number 1 bitch herself. My loving sister Ann.

But I didn't even feel the need to yell at that piece of shit. I quietly shut the door and walked to the kitchen.

I debated whether I should trow a knife at her head or poison her food.

I was about to go all Evil Queen and the bitch when I seen a bowl full of apples on the counter.

In a total of 5 seconds I had lost my boyfriend, my best friend, and the only family I had.

What a wonderful evening this turned out to be.

Then the door bell rang.
Dammit who the hell could that be? I sluggishly walked myself to the door. And then I opened it. And then I looked who was there. And then I felt my evening get a little bit worse.
Fuck my luck.

"Hi Casey!" (I'm Casey by the way) a blue eyed, brown haired boy looked at me with a devilish grin. The child of Satan had returned.

Woopdi fucking do.

Now everyone this is Blake.

He had been sent to ruin my life since I was a baby.

Meaning that we were the kids that grew up together. We took baths together, our families were best friends, and I was the center of his ring of people to fuck up the lives of.

Blake had been with his grandparents for the last two years and let me just say that I was happy about that. But now, here he was again, ready too ruin my life once again.

Snapping back into reality.
I gave Blake one look and simply walked away before leaving him standing in the door way and heading up stairs.

Lucky for me he decided to follow. Can you feel my sarcasm?

I walked into my room and Blake followed me in.

I sat on my bed with my legs cris crossed cuddling a pillow. I hoped he would get the hint to go away but that was most likely, not going to happen.

He sat on the edge of my bed next to me.
I looked up at him and quickly back down at my fidgeting fingers.

"Are you okay?" He says in a concerned voice.

Wait. What the fuck is going on? Did Satan Jr just ask me if I was ok and actually be concerned?

I must be dreaming. He shook my shoulder.

"Casey, are you okay?" He repeated himself but this time with more concern in his voice.

Suddenly I could handle it anymore.
I broke down and it felt like my flood gates had been opened. Tears poured out of me like waterfalls. Blake pulled me closer to him and hugged me. I laid my head down on his chest. Holy shit he was actually making me feel a little bit safer.
What the hell is wrong with the universe?

Satan Jr is being nice. Should I fear for my life?

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