6 - Love Does That

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I couldn't sleep at all. The words that Carson said kept ringing in my head.

He said that Blake was 'head over heels in love with me'.

That couldn't be true.

Nobody loved me.

Why would he?

Why do I care?

Of course you care. That voice in the back of my mind said. But why did I care?

Because you feel so much for him. Why was this happening to me? I had been in relationships before. So why did the opportunity of one with him frighten me? I had been kissed before. So why did his kiss send tingles through my body and make my stomach explode like the 4th of July?

All these questions ran in my mind. I wanted answers.

I couldn't just ask him those though. I couldn't ask anyone.

So I went to sleep.

"Casey... help... me!" Joshua whispered through his blue lips.

"Joshy please....don't go" I whispered in his head as I felt the life slipping from his body.

"I love you baby sis. But it's okay. You have Blake, he'll take good care of you." He breathed his last breath and the last strands of life slipped and I cradled him in my arms one last time.

I woke up sweaty and crying. I hadn't dreamt of Josh dying in months.

Blake wasn't there...why did he say Blake would take care of me? I couldn't handle this anymore.

I grabbed my winter coat and ran out the front door into the snow.

The fluffy white substance crunched together under my boots as I jogged my way down the street.

I turned the corner and saw the cemetery. Jumping over the gate, I hurried over to the the black, granite stone with my brothers name on it.

I sat down. And I cried. What was with me crying lately?

I heard the sound of someone walking but I was to sad to see who it was.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I slowly turned my head, squinting through the tears that filled my eyes to see who was there.

My breath caught in my throat.

"Josh?" I whispered not believing my eyes.

"Hi baby sis," he said to me, "it's been so long since you came to visit me. I missed you!"

I looked at the figure in front of me. This wasn't possible. Josh has been dead for over a year.

"It's okay." He sat himself in the snow next to me. "It really me C. Well my ghost anyway."

"This isn't possible" I told myself. "You're dead. You've been dead. You're not real."

"No shit Casey" okay maybe this was him. "I just said that I'm a damn ghost."

Then he laughed.

"Listen Casey, I watch over you every day, I see how you act, I see who hurts you, I see who makes you happy.

You need to stay with the person that makes you happy. I can't watch over you forever. I'm not around to beat up guys, so you have to smart. You need to stay with him."

Him? Does he mean Blake?

"Who are you talking about Joshy?"

"Blake." He said. I knew it! "Casey, I told you Blake would take good care of you, and I meant it.

I have never seen a guy put so much effort into one girl, he's the one that you deserve Casey. And I see the way you are around him." He turned his body towards mine.

"Casey, tell me what happens to you when you see him, when you kiss him."

"Well.." I started, "when I see him, I instantly smile. He just makes my day better. But at the same time, I can't stand to go a day without him.

And when I kiss him...oh my god, when I kiss him, I feel shock waves through my body. It's like a whole zoo has been released in my stomach. And my heart rate picks up. And my head starts to spin. It so strange. I don't understand these feelings at all."

I looked at the ground and began playing with my fingers.

"C, that's what happens to a person, that's what love does."

I looked at him, "love?"

"Yes baby sis, love"

Then he stood up. "It's time for me to leave now," he said looking at the gate and back at me, "tell him how you feel, he's worth it Casey. I love you!" He walked away vanishing into nothing but air.

Did I really just have a conversation with my ghost brother? Did he really say I was in love? Did I really already know these things?

Yes. Yes. And hell yes.

I've been in love with Blake since the third grade when we had a fake wedding at recess.


And here he comes, my knight in shining armor. My Prince Charming. My best friend. My family.

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