Chapter 13: Final Not Goodbye

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Sabrina worked tirelessly, determined to fix the issues at Duke's family company. She knew that once the problems were resolved, she could finally return to the US. However, the more time she spent in the company, the more complicated her feelings became. Every time Duke was near, her heart would race, reminding her of the love they once shared—something she couldn’t ignore, even if she tried.

“Malapit na akong matapos,” Sabrina whispered to herself as she went over the final details of the company's turnaround plan. It was a bittersweet moment for her. The sooner she completed her task, the sooner she could leave Duke behind—and all the memories with him.

Final Preparations

One evening, Sabrina found herself alone in the quiet office, pouring over documents that represented months of her hard work. The financials were stabilizing, and the company was finally back on track. The crisis was over, and her mission here was complete.

But with every signature she made on the reports, a part of her heart felt heavier. She stared at the last document for a moment, remembering the first time she walked into this building, filled with so much anger and resentment toward Duke. Now, things had changed, and she wasn't sure if she was ready to leave it all behind.

Her phone buzzed, breaking the silence. It was a message from Jake: "When are you coming back? We miss you." It was a simple reminder of the life waiting for her back in the US, the life she knew she needed to return to. She couldn’t keep running from her responsibilities, no matter how much her heart pulled her toward Duke.

Taking a deep breath, she replied, "Soon. Just wrapping things up."

A Confrontation

Just as Sabrina was about to pack her things and head home, Duke entered the room. He looked more serious than usual, his eyes filled with emotions he had been trying to suppress for weeks.

“Sabrina,” he called, his voice low but full of tension. “We need to talk.”

She froze, not sure if she could handle another confrontation. For weeks, she had been avoiding this moment—ever since that night when Duke had taken things too far. She knew he regretted it, but she couldn’t forget how much it had hurt her.

“Wala na tayong dapat pag-usapan, Duke,” she said softly, not looking up from her desk. “I’ve done my part. The company is back on track, and I’m leaving.”

“Is that all this is to you? Work?” Duke asked, his voice rising in frustration. He walked closer, standing just a few feet away. “What about us?”

Sabrina's heart clenched at his words, but she couldn’t let herself get swept up in emotions again. She had already decided—leaving was the only option.

“Us?” She let out a small, bitter laugh. “Duke, there is no ‘us’ anymore. You’re married to Maxine.”

“I never wanted that,” he muttered, his hands balling into fists. “You know that.”

She shook her head, finally standing up and facing him. “It doesn’t matter what you wanted. What matters is what happened. You made a choice, Duke. You married her.”

“Because I was forced to!” Duke’s voice cracked with desperation. “I thought you didn’t love me anymore. I thought you moved on.”

Sabrina swallowed hard, tears threatening to fall. “I never stopped loving you, Duke. But love isn’t enough anymore. I can’t stay and pretend like everything will be okay between us.”

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