Felix's first day

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Going back to the past of 2016 (year 12) 

Felix POV:

I get ready and rush downstairs as my mum, handed me breakfast and waved me goodbye. I walk to my new school in Korea, my mum and I recently moved here because my mum decided to promote her company in Korea because of the great business opportunities.

 I checked my watch, '8:30' it said, oh no I'm gonna be late! I quickly run to the front gates and accidently bump into a girl walking into the school. "Oh, I'm sorry" I quickly bowed and apologized for the accidental collision, the girl looked at me and assured me it was ok and that I should be careful next time. I smiled at her and she asked me what class I am in, "Class 12A', I responded and she nodded. "I'm in that class too, Hi I don't think i've properly introduced myself, I'm Kim Yuna". "I'm Lee Felix", I said and thought that this girl was quite friendly. 

We decided to walk to class together and soon arrived at our class, inside there were students chatting with friends and talking about what they did on the holidays. I saw that there was an empty seat next to Yuna and decided to sit next to her, since she was the only person I knew. I noticed that, the minute Yuna sat down many girls flocked towards her asking how she was and handing her gifts, 'must be popular' I thought and quietly took out my stuff.  When suddenly, the boy sitting on the left of me introduced himself. "I'm Kim Suengmin and you must be the new student, nice to meet you if you need any help ask me and you can sit with me and my friends at lunch if you want". "Thanks for the offer, Suengmin do you know Yuna by any chance?". 

Suengmin, looked at me as if i was an alien and explained that Yuna, was like royalty here because of her beauty and brains, she won over both girls and boys because of her kindness. He said that she's smart and boys all like her and girls admire her. On top of that, apparently her family is really rich but she's humble about it, Yuna's also sporty and plays the piano and violin. I now understood, why she was popular and well- loved by everyone. I knew that even, if I had a crush on her I wouldn't stand a chance against everyone else, so I decided to hide my feelings and settle for being friends. 

Yuna POV

As I sat down, girls flocked to me and asked me how I was and handing me small gifts like chocolates and stationery. I accepted them and greeted my bestie, Dohee. Me and Dohee, were inseparable ever since we met in kindergarten, she never used me for money or fame and didn't care that I was popular, unlike other girls who try to be friends with me because my family background is well-off. Of course, Yuna had other friends but Dohee was her closest friend, as Yuna walked to her locker to collect her books, she saw the blonde haired boy she bumped into earlier that day. 'Lee Felix, I think his name was. I walked towards him and asked 'Felix, do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?'. 

He looked at me and gave a small nod, 'sure' and then walked with me to the cafeteria

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He looked at me and gave a small nod, 'sure' and then walked with me to the cafeteria. Suddenly a boy ran towards us and bumps into me, spilling water on my school uniform , 

 Suddenly a boy ran towards us and bumps into me, spilling water on my school uniform , 

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he looks up at me and says 'I'm sorry Yuna'.  

sorry, if this story sucks this is my first time writing a ff and i'm not much of a writer. pls understand. 

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