Chapter 10

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Hey guys, haven't uploaded for months. Felt a little nestolgic today and re-read this story, and decided to make more chapters.

Winters POV

I woke up with a pounding headache, and a pain in my stomache. What the hell happened, I thought. I look aorund the area I was in and noticed I was in my room. How did I get here?

"Well, well, well. Look who woke up, from their beauty sleep. To bad you could never be pretty." Ian sneered. "Maybe you should just take your life, but don't do it by razors, no that's too messy to clean up. Try jumping off a bridge."

"Fuck you," I whispered as I got up and went to the bathroom,  ignoring the pain my head and stomach.

In the privacy of my bathroom I started to break down, all of their words hit me like a truck. I thought of every single time they did something to me, ranging from when I was 6 to now. Why the fuck are they picking on me. Is because I actually am ugly and dumb? I look underneath the sink for some extra razor blades, and found some. I take a fresh blade and bring it to my arm, it stung at first but then became addicting making me slash more marks in my arm. I bit my tongue so no would here me. After about 17 cuts I started to clean up my mess, putting everything back in order and rolled down  my sleeves so no one would see.

Walking out of my bathroom I look around for one of the boys but they aren't here, thank god.

Coming to the conclusion that I haven't actually explored Ian's house, I would do that now but I have to be safe about it. Creeping downstairs I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink of water and walked into the living room, even though I've already been here I wanted to take it all in. There was on couch and two love seats in a rectangle kind of shape around the coffee table, the couch facing the wall with the tv. 

There were only two other rooms on this floor, the dining room and the bathroom. The dining room had an elegant table with six chairs around it, which looked like there was a leaf in the table, so you could make the table shorter. 

I heard the door slam shut, which scared me half to death. "We're home bitch!" Ian yelled. "Don't even think about bothering us, or else we will personally beat your ass!" I heard Ian yell as multiple footsteps lead upstairs. 

I held my breath until I heard Ian's door slam shut.  

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