Transphobic Assholes

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Hey so this is a subject that really pisses me off homophobia is not ok but neither is transphobia!

Don't give me all that 'it's not natural shit' ok? Let these people be who they are. Transgender people wish to be the gender that they are not and feel more comfortable as that other person so let them be that person! Don't give them crap about it because their minds are already upset about being 'imperfect'

One of my very close internet friends is transgender. He was born a girl but dresses like a boy and has renamed himself a boy's name. He tells me that no one wants to be friends with him because he is a boy trapped in a girls body he gets so badly bullied. Do you think people need that crap? Does it make you feel good?

Also if they are a girl being a boy call them him not her! They are choosing to be a boy so respect that! Same if a guy feels more comfortable as a girl call them her not him! Don't be dicks about it just let them be

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