Calm before the storm

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Both izumi and Katsumi saw the giant pig monster. They were about to run, but they saw Pluton facing the opposite side of them and destroyed multiple buildings, leaving a huge large dirt path They were frozen shock from such destruction of the monsters, izumi tried to move her leg but were stuck do to fear, she face a monster before but this monster was something else, then she felt being dragged by her hand and see Katsumi dragging her

"Hey stopped daydreaming in a time like this, we go to those bunkers that the government made just in case these strong monster freaks show up" said Katsumi

"Yeah let's hurry there like one three minutes away from here" said izumi as she saw Pluton destroyed multiple buildings with its huge pitchfork as she and Katsumi finally made it inside the bunker where lots of people are scared, frightened and desperate

Man this monsters are getting annoying every single day, I can't enjoy a relaxing day when this Fuckers start showing up and destroying having the city" said Katsumi

"Let's just hope, that citizens are safe and the heroes defeat the monster's" said izumi

-play one punch man ost monster-

Back with Pluton who is destroying building and killing heroes that are bothering him, then a missile hits his face making him fall down and angrily looks to see metal knight firing multiple missiles at him, he dodges them and blocks them with his weapon, Pluton went to pick up some rubble and throw it at metal knight who also dodges the trajectory and fire missiles at them but didn't notice Pluton weapon slamming on to him as he went down to building causing a crater,

Metal knight was about to move but was grabbed by Pluton who slowly crushing him but luckily metal knight is only remote control robot and suddenly a huge fire hit Pluton straight in the face as he let go of metal knight

"metal knight did you find any weak spots" said Endeavor

"negative, it's seem like it's skin is tuff" said metal knight as he saw Pluton put out Endeavors flames as only small burn scars are left

"well we need a plan to defeat it" said Endeavor as he saw the demon cyborg took out his huge blaster and blasted a giant flaming beam at Pluton causing the giant monster to scream in pain, genos made it to the both of them

"I heard what happened and made it quickly,it should be finally dead" said genos

"I'm pretty sure you're wrong" said metal knight as the heroes turn to see Pluton all fine but is now more angry than ever and picked up a huge building and throw it them,genos use his sensor to detect lifeform inside the building but found only 6, he speed inside the building and quirk found the 6 people and took them to safety as building got closer Endeavor use hell spider on the building and turn it into pieces as metal knight shoot the remaining piece using his missiles, genos made it back to them, telling them the civilians are safe, distracted that another building is thrown at them,
both Endeavor and genos dodge it but metal knight got hit destroying half of his body

"Metal knight!" Shouted genos as he went to go help him

"I am fine demon cyborg, besides I'm not the true body, and here are some powerful explosive, make sure to throw them inside the monster I have theory only its outside skin it tuff but not it inside" said metal knight as he about to shut down in any minute

" Affirmative, Endeavor distract him while I throw the bombs inside " said genos as Endeavor grumbles but agreed

Pluton is super angry cause this puny pesky human are bothering him with their weak weapons and quirks, and he's facing three S-class heroes but luckily saw one got it by the buildings he just throw minute ago, he was about to go back to destroyed the city until fire starts to him by Endeavor, he was annoyed and tried grabbing on to him, distracted by Endeavor, Pluton doesn't see genos speeding on his snout as he throws the bomb inside

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