"Steve!" I shouted, as I entered streetcars. He was sat eating some digestives, as usual and Eileen was also there. "Hi!" She said. "Hello" I said. I sat down on the spare seat and took a biscuit off of Steve. He pulled a face, as always! "How's your day been?" Steve asked. "Alright"
We chatted for a while but then he had to get back to work, I went back to underworld and Carla was still there and Chelle, but they were talking to 2 people in suits. I walked in. "What's going on?" "Chloe love, there's been an incident that involves our Rob" Michelle said. Oh god! What has he done now!
"Some... IDIOT has beat him up for grassing on him about somet... His head injury was so bad that, the doctors couldn't save him" Michelle said. I couldn't believe it! Rob was like my brother since I didn't have Liam or Paul. And now I don't have him either! "So he's dead then?" I said with tears in my eyes. "I'm afraid so yes" Michelle said as she too had tears dripping down her face. "I can't believe it" Carla said. "He was always a tough cookie" She said. Carla was upset, I could tell she was trying to hide it and she did a good job. "We are really sorry for your loss" A woman said. Carla smiled and Michelle did too as Michelle saw them out.
"Are you alright?" I asked. "No, but I'll get through it" Carla replied as she rubbed my arm lightly. Michelle came back in and sat on the desk close to Carla. "He was like a brother to me aswell" she said. "Yeah and he fancied the pants off ya" Carla laughed which made Michelle smile. Carla made some hot chocolate and gave me and Michelle a glass. "To rob, an amazing brother and a complete idiot!" Carla said. Michelle smiled and raised her glass so I copied. I sipped my hot chocolate. "Hmm!!" I screamed. "What's up?" Michelle said. "It burnt me tongue!" Michelle and Carla both laughed. As the news passed around the street, we all record texts wishing us all the best and saying 'sorry for your loss'. Even Tracy text me, which I was surprised about... It read:
'Hi Chlo, hope your okay. Heard about rob, I'm sorry, rob loved you to bits sweetheart! Rob was a good man, you know it and so do I! Take care love! x'

Chloe Connor-Pregnant No.2
FanficHi! This is the sequel to my first story 'Chloe Connor pregnant' . It's based 2 months after so chloe will be about 7 months pregnant by now. It's going to be focused a lot on Chloe and how she struggles with child pregnancy. Also the boy who raped...