Chapter Four

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To say we were confused would be an understatement. First, we find a criminal who, after hours of interrogation, says he was selling mutants to people with enough money to pay the price. He had only sold one so far, but there was an auction going on for a second one. Next, we find a little kid beaten senseless by his step father. And finally, the said kid is unconscious from something that only he could hear.
I was starting to get an idea of what was happening. Gabe wanted easy, quick, and lots of money, so he started capturing powerful mutants and selling them to powerful people. He hid his trade by saying he was selling weapons. Upon further investigation of the weapons, we realized they were all fake.
Percy screaming about a soundless noise made me on the edge. For once, I had absolutely no idea what was happening, but Fury did. I have been continuously pestering him for some information the past few hours, but that dumb spy wouldn't crack.
"Natasha," Fury warned, "I can not tell you what is happening. Please, go check on Clint and the boy."
I rolled my eyes and imagined shooting him with a shotgun. Grumbling about something that should not be said around children, I headed off to see the only child in a mile radius. Upon arriving in a private room, I saw Clint staring at Percy. It was obvious he cared about the little boy, and I guess I understood. None of us exactly had the best childhood, but Percy had one that ranked in at the worst top ten. My guess was that Clint wanted him to be happy.
"Are you just going to stare at me, or will you sit down?" He asked, turning to look at me. From that one look, my instincts told me he was upset, very upset.
I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. Percy's black hair created a sort of halo around his head. Ever so often his hand would twitch, or his eyelids flutter. I knew from past experiences that he was having a nightmare.
"Have you tried to wake him up?" I questioned Clint.
He sighed. "I've tried pretty much everything. Shaking him, patting his cheeks, offering food, even screaming in his ear. But a few minutes ago, I got a little bit of water and dumped it on him. I know, I know. It was a mean move, but he was screaming. I needed him to wake up. As soon as the water touched him, it dried. As if it wasn't there at all. Nat, I have a hypothesis about him."
This caught my attention. "Clint," I slowly asked, "What do you think about Percy?"
"He's a mutant."
My brows furrowed at this. A mutant? It would make sense. Gabe saying that we would never find his biggest weapon, why he kept Percy around for a year, and why Percy was scared straight of the water today. He could control it.
Finally, I opened my mouth to speak, "Do you know how this relates to him hearing things we can't?"
Clint nodded. "Do you remember," he paused for a second. "When we were investigating a crime spree on banks in Brooklyn?"
I nodded slowly. Feeling utterly useless. Why couldn't I figure out what Clint was getting at?
He continued on, "The store workers claimed the could see the money disappearing, but not the person taking it."
I understood now. "But, one night, there was a different type of witness. She was a mutant. The girl claimed that she saw a man with dirty blond hair taking the money. Everyone though she was crazy, for no one else saw what she did. You need to be a mutant to see and hear the man, and anything he is holding. Am I right?"
Clint nodded, "Therefore, Percy is a mutant. And we have an extremely dangerous mutant out to get him."
I stayed quiet. Sure, mutants weren't extremely rare, but someone developing mutant powers at such a young age was.
"Fury knows," I voiced at last. "I could tell. He seemed more on the edge than usual, and he wouldn't tell me a single thing. I'm going the talk to him."
He nodded, "You should. Please come back and tell me what he says. I'm going to get Percy something to drink for when he wakes up." With that he got up and left the room, walking in the direction of the kitchen.

Guest appearance from Timeskip
(A/N Still Natasha's POV. I don't change povs mid chapter unless the chapter is short and have nothing left for the person to say.)

During my chat with Fury, he suggested for me and Clint to take Percy to the Avengers tower when he wakes up. Also, he said that Clint's theory on the disappearing mutant and Percy was correct. He has a solid reason to believe that the invisible boy is after Percy. The other mutant's name is Daniel Avila. He has dirty blond hair, brown eyes, and powers like no other. Coming in at just five feet six inches, he has a pretty average height.
SHIELD is sending out a search team for the mutant Gabe sold. Fury has someone questioning him about it now. The only intel we had about them was Gabe.
I've been standing in front of the private room's door for a few minutes now. As much as I had to do it, I hated having to bear bad news to anyone. Upon pushing the door open, I saw that Percy was up. He was slowly sipping a glass of water and talking to Clint, who was dripping wet.
I raised my eyebrows. "What exactly happened here?" I questioned.
Because of his spy training, Clint didn't flinch at my sudden entrance. Percy on the other hand jumped up. His eyes wild. I could tell he was starting to panic, but not over the fact that he was frightened. There was something else in his eyes. Raw fear. My best guess was that he told Clint about him being a mutant and didn't know how I would react. That also must've been why Clint was wet.
I smiled at him, "Percy, everything's fine. I'm not going to hurt you because you are a mutant."
He let out a breath I hadn't realized he was holding. "It's just, well, I guess it's just because Gabe always told me being a mutant was bad. He said I was lucky he was so nice to me, because other people, like SHIELD, would just kill me once the found out about me."
"We won't do that. You're safe with us, okay?" I told him. Once he nodded, I began filling them both in on my chat with the direction. It may not have been the best idea, but Percy deserved to know what was happening to him.
When I finished, Percy didn't seem scared, but he wasn't jumping up and down with the excitement of being chased by a super powerful being. To my surprise, he looked at me and said, "Let's go meet the Avengers."
/okay all done. If anyone is reading this, would you like longer chapters with not as frequent updates, or short chapters with very frequent updates? Tell me in the comments.\

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