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Took me a while but it's a double chapter hehe


"What's the occasion, miss?" The bartender asked, pouring Alexandra another drink.

"I'm celebrating. It's my last night as a ghost." She tapped the counter, watching him drop extra cherries into her glass, no charge. "Tomorrow, I'll still be a ghost. Just a famous one."

He laughed, assuming she was drunk. There was no way he knew that he was serving the soon-to-be newest member of the mighty Seven.

"Yeah, I think that's the liquor talking," he chuckled, pulling the drink away. "No more for you, miss."

As he turned to toss the liquid, his hand froze mid-motion. His body locked up, muscles refusing to cooperate. He wasn't in pain, but the strange sensation was eerily like a dentist's drill hovering too close to the nerve, threatening pain at any second.

"What the hell..." he mumbled, his hand trembling.

"That was rude." Alexandra's voice sharpened. "Give it back."

Without a choice, he turned back, his body obeying her command like a marionette's string. His hand lowered the drink to her, and her eyes burned into his as she downed it in one smooth gulp.

The pressure in his body broke as she winked, tossing a twenty into his tip jar. "Thanks for the cherries."

Alexandra, though she'd introduced herself as Sandie, wasn't an alcoholic. Still, more often than she liked, she found herself seeking comfort at the bottom of a bottle. The alcohol in her veins was the only thing that could drown out other people's thoughts. That, and cigarettes.

Outside, the night's chill greeted her, and she pulled out a cigarette, struggling with her worn lighter in the wind.

"Need a light?" A deep voice asked. A stranger stepped close, cupping his hand around the flame as she leaned in. "There you go, love."

"Thanks," she said, taking a drag before offering him the cigarette. "Rough day."

"You could say that." He accepted the cigarette, inhaling deeply while his eyes traveled over her. His dark hair and full beard contrasted with his heavy coat and combat boots—a walking red flag. Alexandra immediately liked him.

"What are you, a fucking seer or something?" he asked with a sly grin as he returned the cigarette to her lips.

"Something like that," Alexandra scoffed. She looked him up and down. There was a reckless energy about him that drew her in. Dangerous, impulsive. The exact kind of distraction she needed.

"Can you guess what I'm thinking right now?" His voice was low, filled with bad intentions.

She gave him a mischievous smile. "I don't have to guess. But why don't you show me instead? It's more fun that way."

With a wicked grin, he grabbed her by the nape of her neck, pulling her into a dirty kiss. One thing led to another, and soon they were entangled in a flat across town.

"Name's Billy, by the way," he said, voice ragged as she moved on top of him, rolling her hips.

"Sandie," she breathed, tilting her head back, eyes closed in pleasure. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," he growled, flipping their position and pressing her into the bed.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum, love," Billy warned, pounding into her with rough, unrestrained force. "I'm gonna—"

"No. You won't," Alexandra whispered, legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper. "Now, go harder."

And he did, sweat dripping from his body as he struggled to hold back what was no longer his to control. In the moment, Billy thought it was his own willpower holding him back, something he took pride in. But later, he'd realize he was never in control. He had slept with the enemy.

A mind-reading one, no less.

"What are the odds, huh?" Alexandra smirked, not a hint of shame or regret in her voice as she locked eyes with him.

"Pretty fucking minimal," Butcher growled, standing from his seat at the bowling alley. "Your turn, sweetheart."

Alexandra drained her drink and stood. With a flick of her fingers, all the pins at the end of the lane crashed down simultaneously, the big screen lighting up with a bright STRIKE.

"Alexa!" Starlight gasped, wide-eyed. "No powers, you promised!" She glanced around nervously. "What if they recognize us?"

"Why don't you blind them before they do?" Alexandra muttered, tossing her hair back casually.

The silence around their group was sharp, broken only by Billy's phone ringing. He ignored it, stepping away with a stiff expression.

"I'm just kidding. Relax." Alexandra's voice was light, but her gaze stayed on Billy as he left the room. "Not in the mood for jokes, I see."

"He never is," Hughie laughed awkwardly, trying to ease the tension. "So... how did you meet him again?"

"He gave me a light once," Alexandra said nonchalantly, though the simplicity of her answer felt like a deliberate omission. She glanced at her watch. "I've got to meet an old friend. Tell Annie I'll catch up later, will you?"

Hughie nodded, frowning slightly. "Sure, no problem."

Alexandra turned to leave, but before she could go, she paused, tilting her head with a smile. "Huh."

"What?" Hughie asked, blinking nervously.

"Nothing." Her smile widened. "Just didn't expect you had it in you."

"What do you mean?" He shifted uncomfortably, clearly caught off guard.

"Don't play dumb, kid. Not with me." Her eyes flickered toward Starlight, who was just emerging from the restroom. "Just so you know, the more you try not to think about something, the more it sticks in your mind."

His heart raced, and a cold sweat formed on his brow.

She knows.

"Of course she fucking knows!" Butcher snapped, kicking a chair once they were back at their hideout.

"You can't blame Hughie for this," M.M. retorted, stepping between the two. "You're the one who couldn't keep your dick in your pants."

"This is on you, Butcher," Frenchie chimed in, his eyes glued to footage of the Sorceress. "She's had you marked since day one."

Billy cursed under his breath, realizing their entire plan could unravel because of him.

"Maybe she won't say anything," Frenchie muttered, chewing on his nails. "Think about it. She's known about Butcher's involvement for a while. Translucent's death cleared her path to the Seven."

"He's right. She's had plenty of chances to blow the whistle." M.M. added. "Did you find anything on her?"

"No, not yet," Frenchie said, frustrated. He debated calling Cherie for help.

"Annie mentioned her relationship with Homelander is weird," Hughie said quietly. "She thinks he hates her, but he's still desperate to keep her close."

Billy's interest piqued. "Strange how?"

Hughie frowned. "Apparently, she got inside his head. Made him see things. He lost it."

"Can't blame the bastard," Billy muttered, disgust twisting in his gut at the thought of relating to Homelander. "Keep Starlight close. We're missing something."

Meanwhile, Alexandra lay in bed, tossing and turning. The noise inside her head was unbearable tonight.

She didn't care about Butcher's vendetta, Translucent, or the team's little mission. Her motives were hers alone.

I would've gotten rid of him anyway.

But as she tried to sleep, that feeling of being watched persisted. It was too real to ignore.

"Thank you for the help, Homelander," she sighed, rolling over. "Now go to bed."

And like magic, the sensation vanished.

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