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"Don't dare to touch me,... let me go" jimin said he don't want to be look like scared but he is very scared to death he silently praying for jungkook to come and save him

his body felt weak he knows some how he is going to passout "oh see now you getting scared but we are sorry we can't let you go" one of the alpha said, two off them helds jimins hands tightly jimin wiggles but they are strong enough to stop him

another one show's a tape on his mouth so he couldn't shout   they dragged him towards their car but jimin didn't take steps he pulls his hands from them it's caused angers the leader of them he is the  beta from beginning he slapped jimin hardly on his cheeks jimin stumbled backwards but they held him, firstly they thought they are going to kidnap one fragile omega but they didn't expect this omega could fight them, it's hurts their pride one last step towards the car the alpha who held jimins  right hand pulled backwards suddenly with a heavy blow on his face he fell hard on the road all of them turned towards him to see red eyes fiercely glaring at them a tall big alpha standing

veins popping out from his neck and hands,  fist clenching the other four of them felt wave of the fear to see his aura "alpha" jimin called him it's gained their attention towards jimin because standing in front of them is non another then Jeon Jungkook the true blood alpha,.. jungkook went towards the man on the road groaning mess but his eyes not leave the person who held jimins hand he gives a hard punch on the mans chest hard means very hard that's why the man stops his last breath coughing blood on his mouth and nose

this caused big fear with the four of them not only them jimin just shocked to see jungkooks aggressive behaviour the true blood alpha came towards them only the man from who holds jimins hand putting a knife in his neck with trembling hands they already lost one alpha member from jungkooks hand so there are only two betas two alphas and they know they can't defeat a true blood alpha so he wants to scare him by putting knife on jimins neck but jungkook didn't affect by this, it's not because he didn't love jimin it's because he absolutely know that man can't cause a single scratch on his husband so with a slow and steady steps he walks towards them

the other three of them runs towards him holding knife s they attacks him same time but jungkook helds two of their hands with a knife and kicked another man on his foot that man held his chest graoning in pain and jungkook twisted both of their hands and kicked one of their knees and pushed them in the road his gaze not leaving the man who holds jimin with knife on his neck he went towards the man on road who first fell on the road and see the man trying to stand up to fight with him but before that jungkook helds his hair from behind and chocks him with his elbow the man stumbled from his clutch it's not easy for to escape this strong hands he struggles with his hands the other men's came towards jungkook they didn't have knife like before because jungkook throws them away already so they just punched him from back but jungkook didn't affect by this his only focus is how to kill them with last few struggles the man stops and just stands limp on his hold so without bothered jungkook pushed the lifeless body in the road

the other who hitting him stopped seeing their member fell lifeless ly they backwards from jungkook they know clearly jungkook going to kill them so without hesitation they begins run but just a few steps jungkook kicked one of them hard and pulled another ones hair from behind and kicked another one on his back the one who's hair is in jungkooks, groans and pleads but no jungkook didn't heard him only kicks the other who is on the road lying in his stomach with in that jungkook lastly kicked his head and his head crushed under his foot it's looks gruesome with that the man who pleading stops,..... jimin he is crying mess he couldn't see this all it's full of animalistic action he knows they are one caused problems to him if jungkook didn't came by the time then God knows what would be happened to him but seeing they all dying from jungkooks hands in very cruelly it's caused fear and,,.he don't know how to put this he felt terrible and jungkook his eyes went towards jimin and the man who holds knife on his omega

the man he is not in situation to express how he feels because he saw the real beast infront of him killing mercilessly jungkook dragged the man on his hands infront of jimin and the man and hits the mans face on the road multiple times jimin cried hard to see this near jungkook stops before last hit "no one can touch what is mine. No one. if not then they will see the real hell in my hands.,, HE IS MINE how dare you to hurt him you basturd" with in that he fastly hits his face on the road finally stopped on to see the man died already and seeing all of this  the last one felt horror so without hesitation he cuts his own throat blood flashing on jimins face,...jimin flinched and saw the man fell on the floor lifeless who can't because killed by his own self means easy way to die, but killed by jungkook it's horrible,... jimin helds his breath blood all over him jungkook came to him they stares at each other so many emotions engulfed them non of them talk suddenly they runs each other arms they hugs tightly jimin crying loudly jungkook also cried seeing this if he didn't came to time then he could not imagine what happened to his omega it's all his fault if anything happens to him then he is sure he could killed himself in a most brutal way that's sure.

They two takes each other scents sniffing each other necks  and lastly jungkook parted from jimin and cleans his bloodied face on his shirt sleeves and takes the tape from his mouth jimin gasped for air and jungkook cupped his face "baby i-i am sorry to cause all of this because of me you cought in this danger sorry baby" jungkook said but jimin didn't answer or saw him he just stands there his eyes on every where but not on  jungkooks " baby please talk to me" jungkook asked but no reply so with a sigh "okay come" jungkook helds his hands and went  towards his car to opened his car jimin sits on passenger seat "wait for me i will come in few minutes" with that he went towards the bodies

he wants to clean this mess it's past midnight and also it's secluded area that is why there's no humans staying so it's easy for him but not long,. so with in few hours he wants to clear this so he takes his phone to call his members but before that he heard one of mans phone rings so he wents towards the phone in the mans pant pocket he picked that phone to see the caller saved by hyungnim he understood they're  just pawns to the main villain so he attend that call to hear who ever their boss is  "hey you dumbass how many times I called you why are you not pick my call what happened to you all and where is my sluty son in law" junsea cut off by jungkooks dangerously low chuckle "you,.. who are you holding my men's phone" junsea asked "oh my,.. illegal son of my grandfather you did a very big mistake in your life to think you want to hurt my husband,...." jungkook said menacingly dangerous voice "jungkook" junsea asked his voice merely a wishper but jungkook heared him "yes Jeon Jungkook the leader of the Jeon pack and the only heir of the Jeon family,. came to the point,....coming for my leadership it's okay for me, coming for my assets and company it's all okay for me, it's not bothering me because they are all nothing for me BUT ,.... but coming for MY omega it's not okay for me, this is the most big mistake you did so wait for the consequences and for your information your dog's are dead i will pack them for you to make this game intresting and don't forget that today onwards I am going to destroy you fully so wait for me and no. don't ever curse my Omega it's not good for you" jungkook said with a low threating voice junsea is shocked to hearing all of this then no he is not shocked he felt horrible his hole body Shivers hearing this all from jungkook

"hello Jackson I want you to come to this address and clear this mess and also i have another work for you so call kai and Minho too" jungkook said through the phone what to do to him jakson is jungkooks men he is now in Paris but Kai and Minho not. only other gang members are with him jungkook only trust this three so he gives this work to them he wants to destroy junsea fully so he wants all information about him and also he ordered to give his first gift of his gang members body to junsea so jungkook said what to do with this all and cuts his phone and went towards his car to see jimin passed out in his seat his alpha howling in agony the guilt is killing him knowns this is all because of him.

(sorry to say this i know this action sequences are not fully well and also i felt very cringe because of some scenes ah,...ok any way tell me if any mistake in this part I will correct it and please vote so i know it's good or not and also thank you for them who are reading this story and voting this story thank you so much it's means alot to me )

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