Is That Jealousy?

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It had been three weeks since Siobhan had spoken to Vivian after the dark haired woman had told the blonde she had a coffee day arranged with her new friend, the notorious town flirt, Sara.

Little did Siobhan know, they weren't going on a date, it was completely platonic on both parts as Sara had not long started seeing Deliah, the deputy of the Sister Nursery, however before Vivian even got a chance to explain this to Siobhan, the blonde made a 'phone call' to her fiancé in a bit to get under Vivian's skin, causing her to walk out the office.

Since then, the pair hadn't spoken at all, with Siobhan doing everything she could to avoid Vivian, however Viv on the other hand would ask staff when the blonde was due in so she could talk to her and atleast try and explain that she had the wrong idea about her and Sara, it broke her heart not speaking to Siobhan.

Now in the real world, Vivian would just phone Siobhan, or text her and sort it that way. However, due to Siobhan being in an abusive relationship and them having secret coffee meetings in the family room every Monday without Roger, or any one else's knowledge.

She felt at a complete loss without Siobhan.

On one of the days, she had to drop into the office, again hoping to see the blonde, but instead was met with Marjorie.
She of course, asked if Siobhan would be due in that week, much to her disappointment Marjorie told her the blonde would not be in that week and went on to ask if they had a meeting scheduled.

Vivian wasn't stupid, she knew Marjorie knew they weren't actual meetings relevant to the nursery, but what Marjorie didn't know was the depth of what the meetings actually involved, she assumed it was to do with them being jogging partners.

The two women discussed it for a few minutes until Marjorie let slip that Siobhan told her Vivian wasn't her friend, before cutting herself off, this hurt Vivian. Although she had feelings for Siobhan, she still thought the blonde saw her as a friend. They then quickly moved onto the subject of Sara, Marjorie explaining Sara's reputation and that she probably just fancies Viv.

Vivian honestly didn't care and made it clear that neither of the two women were interested in eachother like that, it was purely platonic.

Then it clicks.
If Sara had a reputation, who else knew about this?
Did Siobhan know about it?

She questions Marjorie about that, and the smaller brunette explains head office more than likely know as Sara also made a pass at Mia.

The penny dropped for Vivian in that moment.
Was Siobhan jealous?

Viv just smiles at the brunette.
"Thank you Marjorie.. you've given me.. a lot to think about."

She then leaves the office.
She wanted to fix this, but she didn't know how, with Siobhan avoiding her like the plague.

A week had passed and there was still no sight of Siobhan at the Knight Nursery, that day was thankfully Vivs day off so she took herself to the coffee shop to meet up with Sara for a friendly catch up, they must have only been about 20 minutes deep in conversation, between talking about Siobhan and Sara telling Viv all about Deliah, before Sara's eyes dart up to the cashier and she spots a familiar hair style, although the woman was facing away from the two friends.
Sara knew who it was.

"Now's your chance, look who's over at the counter."
She says with a wink.

Viv turns her head round and spots the beautiful blonde bombshell.
Collecting her black Americano.

Viv stands up from her chair just as the blonde is turning round.

Viv says with a slight smile.

Siobhan is brought to a half, before straining her eyes and storming off out the coffee shop once she spots Sara sitting at the table.

"No, Bon. Wait!!"
Vivian calls out to her and chases after her out the coffee shop.

Siobhan speed walks to her car to try get away from Vivian, all the while she's catching up to her quickly.

"Siobhan, stop and let me explain."
She eventually catches up and reaches out for Siobhan's wrist, only for her to yank it away from Vivs grasp.

"Vivian. Fuck off and leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you."
She spits.

At this point, Viv is losing her patience with Siobhan as the blonde enters her car Viv runs round to the passenger side and hops in before Siobhan has the chance to lock the door.

She turns to Viv, fuelled with anger.
"Vivian, what do you think you're doing?! Get out of my fucking car now!"

Vivian pants, out of breath after chasing after her.
She may be 5"10 and have a muscular build, but she was fuelled with adrenaline.

"Or.. or what? Are you going to drag me out? 5 minutes of your time. That's all I need, let me say what I need to say and if you still don't want to talk to me, I'll leave. You'll never hear from me again."

The blonde leans back on her chair and tries to strain her eyes to disguise the pain behind them.
"2 minutes. That's all you have."

Vivian pants.
"Fine. That's all I need. Firstly, what the fuck was that all about in the office? You completely shifted the second I mentioned Sara, but you didn't even give me a chance to explain. She's with Deliah, did you know that? And even if she wasn't .. I'm not interested in her at all, you forget the only friend I have here is Stephen.. and I had you, before you decided to leave and avoid me."

Siobhan cuts her off.
"Now hold on a fucking minute Viv, you were the one that cancelled our meetings! I asked you to stay a bit longer so we could sort things and instead you would rather go on coffee meet ups with someone else!"

Viv rolls her eyes.
Siobhan isn't getting her point.
"Yes with my fucking friend Siobhan!! Nothing more! You are the one that has been flirting with me for weeks then to not even have the decency to tell me you were engaged, I had to find out for myself!"

Siobhan sucks her cheeks in at the mention of the engagement, not it was her that needed to explain.
"Viv.. please let me explain.. I didn't want the engagement. He didn't even really propose, I just seen a ring I wanted for myself and he paid for it and told me he would set a date, I don't want to marry him and you of all people should know that."

It then all makes sense.
Siobhan really didn't want to be with Roger.
She was being forced.

Vivian reaches out and places her hand on-top of Siobhan's, causing the blonde the flinch at her touch.

"Why didn't you tell me BonBon?"
She tilts her head to try look into her eyes, but Siobhan has them shut.

"Because.. you left.. you didn't let me explain."
She tries to hold her tears back.

Vivian then pulls her into her arms.
And Siobhan felt safe once again in the woman's arms.
She was intoxicated by her scent.

As they pull away from the embrace
Vivian places a hand on her cheek and looks into her eyes.

"Don't worry darling, we will sort this. We will sort this together, okay?"

Siobhan knew that Vivian would protect her over everything in the world.

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