You Made Your Choice Pt.2

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As a tear rolls down Siobhan's cheek, the reality hit her like a ton of bricks.

Vivian wanted nothing more to do with her.
And she had no one to blame but herself.

As she wipes her eye she makes her way back to her car, on the other side of the door Vivian is still sitting on the floor, but she's brought to a stand as she could have swore she heard Siobhan say something to her on the other side and if it was what she thought, she needed to talk to her right away.

She brings herself to a stand and opens up her door to call out to Siobhan.
"Bon, wait I didn't mean it -"

Siobhan had already drove off, Vivian had no idea where the blonde was going but if she was quick enough she could hopefully catch up to her, she did drive a Ford focus ST so her little dinger was like a rocket in speed. As she jumps in, she thinks about how their interaction just went over and over in her head.

She couldn't believe how stupid she was.
Why did she shout at Siobhan like that?
Why did she shut her out?
She can't make sense of it.

At this point during the drive, Siobhan is out of sight, the only place Vivian assumed she would have went was back to work, it was the blondes safe place.
As she reaches her destination she pulls into the car park, but she doesn't see Siobhan's car anywhere, she could only assume she may have parked round the back.

As vivian jumps out her car, she doesn't even lock it as she runs back into the nursery, narrowly missing bumping into both Sorscha and Charlotte on the way into Marjorie's office, she runs into the closed offer and pants out of breathe.

Marjorie looks Vivian up and down.
First Siobhan running out, now Vivian running in..
What the hell is going on?

"Vivian? Are you alright my love?!"
She asks, confused.

Vivian tries to catch her breathe through speaking.
Still panting between every word.
"Siobhan... Marjorie... where... where is she? Is .. is she here?"

Vivian asks, desperately hoping Siobhan was somewhere in the building.

Marjorie blinks at her and reaches out a hand to place onto Vivs shoulder as she's crouched down, still trying to catch her breath.

"My love, she's not here. She hasn't came back after she ran out earlier on, she might be at her house.. now normally I wouldn't do this.. but I can give you her address, but you didn't get it from me, okay?"

Marjorie knew she was breaking all sorts of rules, to be honest she doesn't know why she felt the need to give Vivian the blondes address, but she knew they had became close, she didn't know how close, however she knew if there was anyone that could talk to Siobhan it would be Vivian.

Vivian straightens herself up and takes a piece of paper from Marjorie with Siobhan's details on them, as she looks out the window she can see it's starting to rain, she looks at Marjorie who gives her a nod of affirmation.

"Go get her Vivian. But that rain looks like it's coming down heavy, be careful when you drive!"

Vivian smiles at the short brunette woman then looks down at the address written on the small piece of paper, she knew the area and she knew it wasn't far.
She didn't need her car.

Without saying anything she rushes back out the nursery and starts running as if she's being chased by an axed wielding psychopath, she prayed that Siobhan would be home, with every step her foot's where getting soaked through to her skin, her blue and white stripped shirt was drenched all the way through, but she couldn't stop.
The adrenaline was pumping through her veins.

She just needed to see Siobhan.
She needed to fix this.
She needed to convince her to call the marriage off.

After about 10 minutes of running she enters a gated area, a code was required to get in.
But Vivian didn't need the code, she was 5"10 and extremely athletic, she knew it was a risk but she decided to climb the high gate and make it over to the other side, the heavy rain made it a bit more challenging than expected, but within seconds she was already at the other side of the locked gate and continued running.

She had only been running a couple of minutes and she spots a white Bentley parked outside a large detached property, she recognised the car and it was Siobhan's.
She was home and thankfully, Roger's Roll Royce was no where in sight.

She takes a deep breath, before knocking on the door hard.
She stands awkwardly, completely soaked through and her hair dripping in her face, Siobhan answers the door and stands wide eyed.

At first the pair just look at each other, Siobhan looks up at Vivian who looks like she had fell into a swimming pool with her clothes on, as she goes to talk Vivian talks first.

"Do .... Do you love me?"
She asks, through trying to still catch her breath.

Siobhan was put on the spot, she was almost certain Vivian could never have heard her at the other side of the door.

"Viv.. I..."
She says, fixing her hair, as Vivian stops her in her tracks.

"Siobhan... answer the question, do you love me?"
She makes one more desperate plea to the blonde.

Siobhan blinks at her, the sucks her cheeks in.
Feeling very uncomfortable, but she knew if she lied to Vivian, this time she would truly lose her for good.

"Viv... of course I do. I do love you, please come in you're going to get sick."
She reaches out and wraps her hand around the black haired woman's wrist and pulls her inside gently.

As Vivian enters the house, the pair stand silently for a minute, Siobhan's wooden floors covered in water from the rain dripping down from the taller woman.
She looks down at Siobhan and without warning she walks towards her and cups her face in both of her hands and kisses her, so deeply and so passionately, it was almost like a scene out a movie, Siobhan reaches up to Vivian's back and grips onto her shirt for dear life as the rain water drips through her fingers.

Vivian then breaks away from the kiss, still trying to catch her breath between the running for 15 minutes straight and the kiss and looks down at Siobhan.

"We should stop while we're ahead darling, we need to deal with your situation first."
She says, disheartened.

She  wanted nothing more than to take the petite blonde to bed and feel her against her skin, but she knew right now it wasn't a possibility.

Siobhan rests her head on Vivian's chest, still clinging onto her back.
She doesn't even look up or pull away to talk.

"But he will kill you, he will try kill me if I try get away."
She knew the danger she was putting both her and Vivian in.

But Vivian swore to protect her.
She promised to save the blonde.

She pulls away slightly from Siobhan's embrace and looks down and places a hand on her cheek, giving her a soft kiss on the head.

"I promise darling, he will have to deal with me first before he comes anywhere near you."

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