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Author's POV :

Leonardo was busy in his meetings, Elijah in his firm, Dario was treating some patients in the Mafia hospital, Darius was trying to find out about his parents death and Vito was in his college.
Nobody sensed the impending doom or tragic incident which will change the life of the RUSSO Brothers.

After the phone call with Elijah , Leonardo buried himself in legal and mafia business, trusting Elijah to keep everything safe and secure.

At 11 am , when Leonardo was about head to another meeting he received a phone call , which changed many things..
Phone call :
"Hello" , Leonardo answered coldly
"Bo- Boss" , Michel Stammered.
"What?" Leonardo angrily asked.
"El-Elijah , he di-died boss, I-I tried to help hi-him but the bull-bullet has pierced his bo-body , he died on spot", Michel answered not a trace of deceit in his tone.
Leonardo was shocked would be an understatement.
He knew Elijah from when they were teenagers, he was trained to be under Leonardo command from the beginning.
Yes they were not friends because they both already knew that one will rule and the other will become a subordinate but yet they were trained together , taught together and what else not .
They understood one another, apart from his brothers and Santiago if he trusted someone it was Elijah.

He didn't knew what to reply so just hung up the call.
He then called Gabriel and told him to come back to the house as soon as possible with all his brothers.

He knew he had to avenge Elijah , so he called Santiago Diaz to inform him about the situation.
The phone call :
"Hello" , Santiago replied coldly without checking the name on his phone.
"Elijah is dead" Leonardo replied not bothering with the formalities.
"The Fuck, What , Who, Leonardo what the hell are you saying? " Santiago replied shocked after looking on the phone screen.
"Elijah is dead", Leonardo repeated.
"I am coming", that was Santiago's only response after which Leonardo hung up the call.
Santiago knew how much Leonardo valued Elijah and he wanted to be there with his friend to avenge their most loyal man.

After the call was ended , Leonardo rushed to his car and ordered the driver to take him to the mansion.

In the mansion,
Living room:

The room was in a chaos nobody knew why Leonardo has called all of them at once

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The room was in a chaos nobody knew why Leonardo has called all of them at once .
Everyone was having dark thoughts , each thought was more darker and scarier than the other.
Suddenly, loud and powerful footsteps were heard and there stood Leonardo on the entrance of the mansion with all his glory.

But as the brothers looked carefully they saw their brothers disheveled attire . He had no blazer , his hair looked as if he was continuously running his fingers through them.
"What is it ?" Gabriel asked when Leonardo entered the living room.
"Michel called saying everything thing is alright in the Warehouse." Leonardo replied.
"Thank God" Vito said.
"If everything is alright, then why do you look so bothered?" Darius questioned sceptically .
"Elijah died on the mission" Leonardo coldly replied.
As soon as spoke those words the whole atmosphere turned cold.
"How?", Dario asked.
"Russians" , only one word was enough for the chaos.
Gabriel started pacing, Dario deep in his thought, Darius punched a wall and Vito let out a strings of curse.

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