The first floor

15 0 3

<Time skipped>
As the sun falls for the day and night me and Alex were now talking and eating pizza for dinner even though it wasn't as good as the pizza back home it was still good pizza "You know we should look around tomorrow" Alex says with a face full of pizza making me laugh a little and shake my head "Yeah we can do that"
After we had pizza we watched a movie and decided we were going to sleep Alex had the bedroom upstairs and I had the bedroom on the first floor "Goodnight my love" Alex says to me "Good night Ali" I say as she walks up the stairs her feet hitting the floor wood softly yet from how old the wood is it sounds like somebody is walking hard against it I sigh and stand up walking to the bedroom I step in and shut the door behind me I walk over to my closet and change into my pajamas but I felt weird like somebody or something was watching me I brush it off and turn the light off and lay down pulling the covers over my body laying on my side

<later that night>
I wake up from the sound of the front door opening but never closed I throw the covers off my body and stand up slipping my slippers on and walked to the front door wide open I quietly close the door thinking Alex just went out and thought she had closed the door I walk upstairs to Alex's room to see she was still Asleep "What the hell" I mumbled walking back down the stairs and to my bedroom I lay down and cover myself again I sigh *Your just over thinking*I close my eyes trying to fall back asleep I turn and toss all night not getting enough sleep as the sun rises I sit there looking out the window until I say a black shadow run across the trees that was by the river I rub my eyes "Calm down Onyx" I take a deep breath and walk out to the kitchen and start to make breakfast for me and Alex a few minutes later I hear a few footstep coming down the stairs "Alex are you awake" a few minutes of silence before I got an answer "Yes it's me Onyx" She comes around the corner rubbing her eyes "I made breakfast" She nods and sits down I make us plates and sit her plate in front of her and a cup of orange juice I then sit down next to her with a plate and a cup of orange juice as well "I couldn't sleep at all last night" she looks over at me with a piece of bacon in her mouth "Why not I slept like a baby"  I shake my head "I don't know I guess I'm just feeling a little homesick but I'm sure I'll get used to this place soon" I say as I take a bite from the pancakes she nods and continues to eat her food

<Time skip> I was now getting ready to go on a walk Alex wasn't feeling like it today so she was staying I walk to my room after breakfast and change into black Jeans and a hoodie that had the word scream on the front and back in red and bold letters I slip on my vans and put on two rings and walk out the house I lock the door behind me and start to walk to the river as I got closer to the river I could have sworn somebody was watching me I ignored the feeling and walked closer to the river I sit down and lean against the tree until I felt a hand on my shoulder thinking it was Alex I laugh a little "I thought you see you were staying at home Alex" as I end that sentence I open my eyes to be met with a pair of black eyes "Who are you" I say as I stand up moving back the guy just looks at me and walks away "H-hey who are can't just show up and touch me then walk away" I yelled a little at the mystery guy a small grin starts to form on his face as he turns around and begins to walk again as I wait a few minutes before following him only for him to just not be there anymore... *What game is he playing* I thought to myself I start to look around before walking away from the river and into the town I look around seeing kids running around with big smiles on their faces parents laid back watching kids I look around more stopping by a few food stands and trying foods making sure to leave some for Alex I sit down on the side of the road eating a hot dog as a kid runs up to me and taps my shoulder I look at the kids that were now standing in front of me "Oh can I help you guys" I ask at I place my hot dog down the kid looks down shyly before speaking up and saying "Me and my friends thought you were really pretty" He says in a sweet tone I smile softly "Well I think that you and your friends are all very beautiful and sweet" I say softly as the kids smile "Really!" The boy asks "Yeah" after a while of talking to the kids they go back to playing as I finish eating my hotdog after I got done I continue to walk around for a while as it got dark I decided it was time to walk home as I get to the door I see a shadow by the river again I rub my eyes and than look back to we're the shadow was and it was gone *what the hell is going on I can't just be seeing things anymore* I thought to myself as I open the door and walk inside the house closing and locking the door behind me I sigh and take my shoes off walking to the kitchen and sitting down the food I got for Alex I make my way to the living room to see Alex watching tv "Your back!" She says I nod and sit down next to her laying my head on her shoulder and she lays her head on top of my head "I got you food from the town" I mumbled she immediately gets up making my head fall she then runs to the kitchen opening the bags and start to eat as it gets darker out I walk to my room and change into my pajamas changing into a crop top and sweat pants after I was done getting dressed I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth I walk back to my room and turn my lights off laying down in my bed falling asleep

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