Prologue: I hate him.

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Rue's POV:

BEING HOLED UP in a room is a dream. I don't have to talk or listen to anyone. I don't have to go through the discomfort of comprehending anyone's thoughts. My thoughts and I can live in solitude.

That is a luxury I wish to afford one day. That day is not today and probably not tomorrow either.

Books have been my life, my reason for survival ever since I learnt about the harsh reality. Life without knowledge is not worthwhile because knowledge enhances experience. Experience is the reason anyone wants to live. 

My Indian mother made sure I understood that.

Of course some intellectuals would not agree, definitely not Derek Smith.  

Derek Smith is the dream of every girl my age who has succumbed to the hostilities of high school.

He's quarterback for the high school football team making him every jock's dream too. He can seduce just about anyone because everyone sees him as the Greek god he's not.

They think the light brown eyes and black, shiny hair makes up for his snobby personality. I for one see him for what he truly is, a rich, ungrateful jerk who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

I know it looks like I really care about him and one might think-

Awwwwww how cute, she has a little crush on him. Their kids will be so cute.

Wrong. I don't have a 'crush' on him. I hate him. So much.

I have good reason to hate him too. 

4 years back:

I won 1st place in the science exhibit. I am so happy. Almost as happy as my mother who can brag to her friends about her daughter's achievements. 

You'd think she forces me to excel but I'm just that relentless.

I made a working fire alarm that plays Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses in the situation of smoke. I love rock music.

I made my way down the stage after receiving the certificate and trophy. My mom took my picture as I flashed her a smile. Sadly, also flashing my braces.

I posed with a victory smile and was about to move when the announcer screamed.

"Wait! Wait! I'm sorry, there's been a mistake. Miss Aarushi Carson please make your way back to the stage with the prize. I'm so sorry." She said bowing her head down.

My eyebrows furrowed as I ran up. "What's wrong?" I asked hugging the trophy close to my chest.

"Honey...the judges changed their decision and you actually won 2nd place." I felt rage burst through but I maintained the stoic expression.

"Who won 1st?" I barely finished before she snatched the Trophy.

As long as the winner was better I'd be okay with being petty.

"Once again! 1st place won by Derek Smith!" She announced as everyone clapped in confusion.

A skinny boy made his way onto the stage. He had black hair and a plain expression.

"He made an observation of dirt found on rocks near a pond" She clapped enthusiastically and shoved the trophy in his hand.

Observation of dirt? Okay and? I made a working fire alarm. 

He made us aware of something we knew existed. Wow Derek Smith. How cool.

She shoved a mic in his hand to do an acceptance speech. I didn't get one. How can he?

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