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"Cyber bullying is no laughing matter" Counselor Blatts voice rang through the cafeteria "Saying it online could be just as hurtful as saying it to their face" She continued.
Star looked at her sister, Alexandra who scoffed then back to the lady standing in the middle. The two girls were one of five that were actually listening.
"Just the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity" The woman said earning a glare from the two girls because of her half ass attempt at secrecy.
Star yawned hearing the lady talk about Halloween costumes. "Instead on sexy nurse maybe try gender neutral hospital employee" Asteria quietly laughed hearing the lady's words.
"This is waste of fucking time" Star whispered. "Hey, I got a great idea for our costume." Aisha scooted into Sam catching Star by surprise. "I was thinking I go as sodium and you go as chloride, and when people ask what we are we do this..." Aisha said grabbing the salt and shaking it onto the floor.
"What is that, some dumb inside joke you guys have?" Yasmin butted in. "Yas sodium chloride is table salt" Star replied raising a brow. "No i knew that" She embarrassedly replied. "This is why Mr.Palmer tells you to go to office hours literally everyday" Star sighed.