Chapter 18

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I shoot up and run over to Kellin. My eyes run over his body and see the front of his jeans were soaked from his water breaking.

"Vic it hurts so bad!" He yells and grabs my hand to keep himself balanced. He squeezes it as he yelled out again and I groan in pain.


While Vic was talking to his father I was in our room laying down just scrolling through my Instagram. Liking a few photos here and there.

What I thought was just a normal cramp ran through me. I decided to ignore it because to me it was just that. A cramp.

When another, a worse one ran through me I jerked up a little, getting kind of panicked. I stood up to see if that would help but then I felt a warm liquid run down my legs. My water just broke. Oh my god! It's happening!

I try to run to Vic but this hurts so bad. By the time I get there I yell out in pain. "Vic take me to the hospital!" I yell at him.

He jumps into action and after what felt like five hours were in his dad's car on the way to the hospital and I'm with Vic in the back seat.

I held his hand and would squeeze every time a contraction went through my body. This was so painful! I never would have imagined it would be this bad! "V-Vic! I ca-n't do this!" I yell out. "Yes you can, you made it this far baby." He said back. Everything hurt and I felt out of breath.

"Just keep breathing Kells. I love you." Vic looked like he was already crying. "I love you too. Ah!" I yelled out as another contraction tore through my body.

We got there soon enough and Vic was helping me out. I held onto him as he helped me walk into the building. "Help! He's in labor!" Vic yelled and multiple nurses ran over to me.

Thankfully one of them had a wheelchair for me so I sat down. It was a little more comfortable but still painful.

They ran me to a room and Vic was next to me the whole time.

They left me in the room with Vic and he helped me get into a hospital gown.

Once that all was done a doctor and two nurses walking in. One nurse was on my arm attaching me to multiple machines and the other was wiping something on my stomach. "Can you sit up for me?" One asked. I did as told and she pricked my back with what I was guessing was an anesthetic. I found out I was correct when I felt my lower half go numb.

They made me lay back and Vic sat near my head holding my sweaty hand.

"Ok Kellin, we're going to preform a c-section to get your baby girl out." The doctor said. I nodded and he placed a mask on my face and I started drifting off.

*30 minutes later*


The cry of a baby made my head shoot from an unconscious Kellin to a small baby girl. The doctors took her away to clean her up some and then the doctor came back holding a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket.

I felt short of breath. It was amazing. She was here. Our baby was here. Finally. I began crying while staring at the baby. A tear landed on her cheek and she giggled. I smiled.

She looked like a perfect combination of me and Kellin. She had blue eyes like Kellin and her hair was a brown-black combination of me and Kellins hair color. Her skin was more of the milky white color of Kellin but still had a tan sorta tint to it.

She was truly beautiful. I wiped my tears and just stared at her. She had fallen asleep but I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. I looked up at my beautiful boyfriend and cried more. He did it! Those miserable nine months were all worth it.

You Kill Me In A Good Way (Kellic mpreg/boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now